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Welcome to the Flotilla 22-2, District 1SR Web Site

Flotilla 22-02 Serving the Northport NY Area.

Coast Guard Station Eatons Neck

Coast Guard Station Eatons Neck

What We Can Do as Part of Team Coast Guard – What Interests You?

Surface (On-the-Water) Operations Missions

  • Search & Rescue - Provide operational, logistic and training support including on-water searches and rescue of persons on board.  
  • Safety Patrol - Patrol under Coast Guard orders using an Auxiliary Operational Facility.
  • Regatta Patrol - Patrolling organized regattas and boat parades.
  • Chart Update Patrol - Verifying the accuracy and completeness of the information published in charts and related navigation publications including Aids to Navigation Mission servicing federal or private Aids to Navigation (ATONs).
  • PWC Patrol - Patrolling on a Personal Water Craft (PWC).

Boating Safety Missions

  • Courtesy Marine Examinations - Vessel Safety Checks; Personal Water Craft Safety Checks; Uninspected Passenger Vessel; and Commercial Fishing Vessel Examinations.
  • Marine Dealer Visitation Program – Includes outreach to marine dealerships, repair facilities, sporting goods stores, boat rental and other interested business to distribute boating safety literature and education opportunities.

Public Education Missions

  • General Boating Safety and Related Education - Auxiliary multi-lesson public education classes 
  • Member Training Instructor Mission - Member training activity, including specialty courses, boat crew training, and basic qualification classes.

Environmental Missions

  • Marine Environmental Protection - Provide support to the Coast Guard in the area of Marine Environmental Protection.
  • Enforcement of Laws and Treaties - Provide support to a Coast Guard law enforcement mission.

Supporting Coast Guard Active Duty & Related

  • Radio Watchstander - Serving as a qualified radio watchstander at a Coast Guard or Auxiliary facility.
  • Auxiliary Radio Net Mission - Maintaining Coast Guard authorized Auxiliary radio nets.
  • Coast Guard Active Duty Operational Support - A service provided to operational Coast Guard units. May include Officer of the Day Duties (OOD), Auxiliary Food Services at a Coast Guard facility in a Back-Fill or Targeted Augmentation role.
  • Coast Guard Active Duty Administrative Support - Provide support to the Coast Guard in areas other than operations or recruiting.
  • Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission - Auxiliary’s AIM mission advances the high school student opportunity to experience the Academy first hand for a summer week
  • Coast Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (RAP).
  • Public Affairs Mission - Promoting the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary and Coast Guard Reserve.