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Welcome to the Flotilla 10-20, District 1SR Web Site

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METAR Essex County Airport

Under the leadership of Aircraft Commanders Darryl Laxson and Frank Tangel, the Auxiliary Air Station Caldwell Flotilla 10-20 was chartered on February 22, 2001, thereby becoming the first aviation-focused flotilla in Northern New Jersey (Division 10, First District- Southern Region). 

 Our Motto: 

"Eyes for the First" 

Our Mission:

" provide the US Coast Guard and our nation with operational support,

specialized assistance, and maritime safety services." 

We Are:

 The uniformed volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard and aspire to the US Coast Guard values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.

We stand ready, willing and dedicated...

to attract, recruit, develop Auxiliarists for assignment to duty;

to protect our fellow citizens through AuxAir Operations;

to save lives through Boating Safety Education;

to support the Coast Guard through our talents, resources, and specialized qualifications;

to promote our mission to youth through our actions and outreach;

and to proudly support the heritage of our nation's armed services and its many partners.


If you are interested in becoming a member of our AUX-family, please reach out to us! 

Our contact information and meeting details can be found by clicking here:  About Flotilla 10-20.

Come join us !!!