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Welcome to the Flotilla 10-13, District 1SR Web Site

Who we are as a USCGAux Flotilla

Flotilla 10-13 was established on May 28, 1969 and for the past 54+ years has been providing local communities in New York and Northern New Jersey with boating safety classes, on water towing, regatta, safety and race support, search and rescue, and recovery missions (averaging 100 patrols a year), free vessel safety checks (over 1,200 a year), and free booklet and information pamphlets for local marinas. During that same time flotilla members have also logged countless hours in many other operational and administrative support missions in support of the local Coast Guard Units at Sector New York, Station New York, and Group Sandy Hook. In total, our flotilla members have logged over 700,000 hours of volunteer service (just since 2001), in missions supporting the boating public, the United States Coast Guard, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Flotilla 10-13 is one of the most active flotillas in the nation. We have been awarded the Flotilla Meritorious Achievement Award, given by the United States Coast Guard to the best flotilla in the First District Southern Region, for 35 of the past 45 years.

We have also been honored by Boat/U.S. as the best flotilla in the Nation for 2002, 2004 and again in 2015. There are over 800 Coast Guard Auxiliary flotillas across the nation. But team 10-13 was not done yet  The Coast Guard took over this award from Boat/U.S. and made some changes to the criteria for it. Flotilla 10-13 proceeded to pull down this award again in 2018 and again in 2022.  No award was given in 2020 due to the pandemic and no Flotilla can win this award 2 years in a row as they as not eligible the next year after winning it.


In 2023, our flotilla expended over 37,000 volunteer hours (more than any other Flotilla in the nation) in support of the United States Coast Guard, the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the Boating Public, and the Department of Homeland Security.  In 2012 through 2021, Flotilla 10-13 regularly takes top honors in the Nation at the Auxiliary National convention by winning first or second place awards for both key Recreational Boating Safety (RBS) activities.  We are regularly in the top 3 Flotillas in the nation in the nation for Vessel exams/Safety checks and in the Program visit/Marine Dealer visit program.

If you are looking to become an ACTIVE member of the greatest volunteer service organization in the world, consider joining the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in your area. Like the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserve, we are Semper Paratus
Cutter Break Line

National Commodore's 3 Star diversity awards for 10-13
2022 and 2023

                                       Boat/U.S. Best Flotilla in the Nation
                                                   2002 & 2004 & 2015


US Boats National Award for Best Flotilla 2002 2004

Cutter Break Line

 First Place in the Nation for Vessel Exams and Program visits in 2012, 2013,2014

First Place in the Nation for Program Visits, Second place Vessel exams 2015


Want to join the US Coast Guard Auxiliary or see who we are and what we do?  click here to learn more.

Looking for a Boating Class click here and enter your zip code to find a class near you.


About the US Coast Guard Auxiliary

The all-volunteer U. S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, created by act of Congress in 1939 to assist the U.S. Coast Guard, conducts vital missions of Homeland Security and Maritime Public Safety. The Coast Guard Auxiliary is considered a 'force multiplier' to the regular and reserve Coast Guard units across the country. The events of September 11, 2001 have created "a new normalcy", which has challenged the Auxiliary to meet expanding support roles and missions as part of the "Shield of Freedom". Auxiliarists perform myriad duties and provide critical services throughout the United States and its territories.

The Auxiliary serves as the Coast Guard's "Executive Agent" for the Coast Guard's Recreational Boating Safety programs. The Auxiliary's expertise in safety programs is a key national asset, not only for the safety of boaters but also for the safety of ports and waterways as well as educating the public on the importance of their partnership in maintaining a vigil in the maritime environment for any threats to our Homeland Security.

While the Coast Guard provides reimbursements for fuel, oil and some maintenance expenses to Auxiliarists for certain operational missions, Auxiliarists are responsible for not only their volunteer hours (over 3.9 Million hours in 2015), but also for purchasing their own uniforms and accessories, while providing their own boats and aircraft, including outfitting them to meet Coast Guard operational and safety standards. Join the premier service organization in the country, and become one of "America's Volunteer Life Savers". Semper paratus

Want to find a Flotilla near you?  click here to use the Flotilla Finder.

Our Watch Words