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Modern Marine Navigataion

The BoatUS Foundation and the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary present Modern Marine Navigation!

Whether you want to improve your navigational skills on your local waters, or you’re longing to cruise in foreign and exotic locations, Modern Marine Navigation will help you on your way to become a better boater conveniently, in your own home.  With this course you will learn the basics of plotting, reading charts, identifying ATONs and using them to find your way on the water as well as an introduction to electronic navigation all presented online where you can study at your own pace. This is the only navigation course to be completely vetted by the US Coast Guard Navigation Center.


Use the Promo Code "0140705" to receive a 10% discount.  Click here to to learn more about the class and to register.

Note:  You will enter the Promo Code just prior to paying by credit card or by PayPal.