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Information about our boating safety class

About Boating Safely 

Our course is titled "Boat America."  It is approved by NASBLA (National Association of State Boating Law Administrators) and recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard.  It meets the requirements of many states including New York and Connecticut*.

Legislation passed in 2019 called Brianna’s Law, will require that all operators of motorized craft – regardless of age - complete an approved boating safety class by 2025.


The requirements to complete a class are based on age and are be phased now.  All boaters born after 1984 are now required in New York State to have completed a safe boat course


Those born on or  after:               must complete a course by:

January 1, 1978                            2024

All motor boat operators               2025


This eight hour class will give you the knowledge you need to obtain a safety certification. Topics include boating law, boating safety equipment, operating your boat, safe boating tips and emergency procedures. Many boat insurance companies will offer discounts to graduates. Students will receive a Safe Boating Certificate upon successfully completing a 50 question multiple choice test. The class is open to students ages 10 and over. Parents are urged to attend with their children.

This class is not required to operate canoes, kayaks, row boats, or sail boats without motors installed.

The cost is $65.00 per person.   


Contact us for more details.

* The Connecticut safe boating certificate requires passing an additional 20-question multiple choice test, and obtaining a "conservation number" from the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection prior to the class.  




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