Welcome to the Flotilla 1-6, District 1SR Web Site
The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. The Auxiliary has over 32,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military, and non-law-enforcement missions.
Flotilla 01-06 is an Auxiliary Aviation Flotilla, based at Long Island MacArthur Airport (Air Station Islip MacArthur), Holbrook, Suffolk County, New York. Areas of responsibility include Sector New York and Sector Long Island Sound.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation ("Aux Air") program supports the following missions:
- Maritime Domain Awareness and maritime safety patrols
- Search and rescue
- Ports, waterways and coastal security
- Maritime environmental protection
- Aids to navigation
- Ice reconnaissance
- Area familiarization for Coast Guard personnel
- Photographic missions
- Logistics flights
- Regatta support
- Coast Guard exercise support
Volunteer members of an Aviation Flotilla participate as Pilots, Co-Pilots, Air Crew and Observers - each with critical responsibilities to ensure successful missions.
The Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviation program relies on member owned aircraft, which have been configured, equipped, inspected and approved for use on these missions. Aircraft fly missions from Long Island MacArthur Airport (KISP), Republic Airport (KFRG) and other airports on Long Island.
Flotilla Staff Officers, their assistants, and other members of the unit provide support for flight operations in multiple job specialties including: Operations, Member Training, Communications, Information Systems, Communications Services, Materials, Publications, Finance and Human Resources. The Coast Guard Auxiliary leverages the unique skills which each member brings to the organization. In addition, members can take advantage of local, regional and national training programs. A Flotilla Commander and Vice Commander serve as the elected leadership of the unit.
For more information, please see the "Join our Flotilla" page.