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Cabin cruiser sits on the rocks at low tide

Photo Courtesy of Boat US

USCG Auxiliary logo           Compass, Sextant and telescope sitting on old marine chart             Boat US logo           

Modern Marine Navigation

The Coast Guard Auxiliary, in partnership with the Boat US Foundation, is offering a new educational program for boaters, an on-line, self-study course called Modern Marine Navigation.  Boaters that enroll in this course will learn how to navigate their vessels using their own computers or tablets, in the comfort of their own homes. This is the only navigation course offered anywhere that has been completely vetted by the US Coast Guard Navigation Center.  It is the gold standard of navigation courses. 

For a short introduction to the online course click here

The Modern Marine Navigation online interactive self-study course will cost $40.00 and is available on the website . However, using the following number - 0131109 -- as a “promo code” on the Modern Marine Navigation course website, each participant will receive a discount of 10% off the purchase price. Your total cost will be $36.00.

Recreational Boating Safety is the primary core mission of the US Coast Guard Auxiliary. Whether getting on the water with a boat or a personal watercraft, the Modern Marine Navigation Online Course can help boaters like you be safer and more knowledgeable.