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Welcome to the Flotilla 11-9, District 1NR Web Site

Serving Martha's Vineyard and the Elizabeth Islands area of Massachusetts   

  Fishing boat Menemsha Harbor

Menemsha Harbor
Thank you for visiting the Flotilla 11-9 website. The Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer, civilian component of the United States Coast Guard, proudly serving our country and the boating public. Based on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, our area of responsibility includes portions of Buzzards Bay, Vineyard Sound, portions of the Elizabeth Islands and most of the waters surrounding Martha’s Vineyard.

The Coast Guard does more than just Search and Rescue, and with the exception of direct law enforcement and military action, the Auxiliary is there, side by side, working with regular and reserve Coast Guard units, every step of the way. We're found in every part of the United States, not just where Recreational Boating is found. 

The members of 11-9 assist the Coast Guard in making our waters safer for boaters through our public educational programs, vessel safety checks, and patrols.  We're serious about Boating Safely and Boating Safety. We provide public education on a wide-range of boating topics. We even have programs for KIDS!  We also assist the Menemsha Coast Guard Station by standing watch and occasionally preparing meals for the crews.

We invite you to explore our website to learn more about the Auxiliary and our activities.  Click on  What We Do on the left for latest information about our members.  If you are interested in taking a boating course, or having your vessel examined for safety, we are Semper Paratus - Always Ready - to assist you. If you would like more information on becoming a member of Team Coast Guard, or for more information about us please email


 Photos courtesy of Michael Blanchard