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New Uniforms

RE:New Uniform Requirements
Recently, information regarding new Alternative Work Uniform (AWU) requirements were distributed to members of the USCG Auxiliary. The purpose of this memo is to cut the bottom line of how these new requirements affect the Auxiliary.
The last uniform change experienced by the USCGAUX was in 2012 when the tucked version of the ODU was replaced with the untucked version.


Effective January 1, 2022, the use of the tucked ODU is no longer authorized. If you are wearing the outdated tucked ODU or do not have serviceable untucked ODU you may want to consider transitioning directly to the AWU.


The use of the existing untucked ODU is authorized until sometime in 2024 when it scheduled to be phased out. When the untucked ODU is phased out, the new CG-U will be made available to the Auxiliary members. The CG-U is the new replacement which is currently being phased in over the next two years for active duty only. If you do not have serviceable untucked ODU you may want to consider transitioning directly to the AWU.


The new AWU consists of a long or short sleeve polo shirt and off-the-rack 5-11 rip-stop tactical dark navy pants. Shorts are also available Polo shirt is tucked for men and either tucked or untucked for women. Polo shirts are dark navy and have the members name embroidered on the right side of the shirt and the auxiliary logo on the left side. The member’s name and logo are embroidered by the shirt supplier.

At this time only the Auxiliary members of 1ho Coastal and 8th Coastal regions are required to purchase and wear the AWU (pilot program October 2021 – December 2022)

However, the AWU is authorized to be worn by any member of the Auxiliary anywhere the current ODU is authorized for wear.

With the AWU both the standard authorized ball cap and boonie/tilly are authorized. Belt is black web with non-decorative buckle.

Authorized footwear are boots (unbloused) boat shoes in approved colors and black walking shoes. Sneakers, tennis shoes are not permitted.

Grooming standards for Auxiliarists are being further defined for members who choose to wear the CG-U. The AWU allows those members who opt not to follow some the grooming standards to remain active and valuable members of the USCG AUX



The AWU is authorized to be worn as an alternative work uniform whenever the ODU or CG-U is authorized to be worn. This includes authorization to be worn for the purpose of instructing virtual and in-person public education classes, performing boating safety partner visits, and for public outreach events (e.g., boating safety booths at boat shows; public outreach information tables at National Safe Boating Week events). The AWU is specifically not authorized to be worn for ceremonial events (e.g., as part of a color guard; in parade formation).


Because the AWU is authorized as an alternative to either the existing untucked ODU and the upcoming GG-U, the prior policy of limiting the crew to a single uniform is not longer applicable. 

As of January 1, 2022, all members of the USCG Auxiliary are authorized to wear either the existing untucked ODU or the new AWU.


The AWU is purchased at the Auxiliary Association Member Store through links to the uniform’s providers and will be available to all members of the AUXILIARY after Jan 1, 2022. Select Color as DARK NAVY

Link for the authorized polo shirts:

Link for Men's Pants:

Link for Men's Shorts:

Link for Womens pants:

Link for Womens Shorts:


While the untucked ODU has served the Coast Guard well, it is now time for the Coast Guard’s work uniform to be updated to include a uniform that is conducive to warm or cold environments, have identification patches placed on the sleeves of the Uniform (the National Ensign on one and an Organization Patch on the other) and, for the Auxiliary, new breast tapes on the uniform blouse that will help to distinguish between the Auxiliary and the Active Duty.

 The new CG-U is expected to be made available to the Auxiliary some two years from now. Members of the Auxiliary will be authorized to wear the new CG-U or the AWU. All Auxiliarists are authorized and encouraged to wear the CG-U as soon as it becomes available. The CG-U is authorized to be worn for any purpose which the ODU had previously been authorized.

In addition, the Coast Guard has made a business decision that the CG-U will not be available in sizes that are larger than the sizes worn by the Active Duty; this means that the CGU may not be available to some of our members. The tailoring of two uniforms to make one to work around sizing issues will not be allowed when the CG-U is rolled out.