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Welcome to the Flotilla 2-8, District 1NR Web Site

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is the uniformed, all-volunteer component of the United States Coast Guard. The Auxiliary was created by an Act of Congress in 1939, and has grown to over 23,000 members who daily support the Coast Guard in all its non-military, and non-law-enforcement missions. We have members and units in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.

Station Portsmouth Harbor Patch  

Flotilla 2-8 is the local Auxiliary unit in the New Hampshire - Maine Seacoast region.  We are based out of US Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor in New Castle, New Hampshire, located  at the mouth of the Piscataqua River. Station Portsmouth Harbor, and Flotilla 2-8, are responsible for coastal waters from the New Hampshire - Massachusetts boarder to Kennebunkport, Maine, including all connected navigable rivers. We draw members from all over Maine and New Hampshire, and from all walks of life. We are ordinary people; your neighbors, co-workers, retired military, boat owners, and citizens who want to contribute to boating safety and homeland security. A cornerstone of the Auxiliary is the fellowship with others who share an interest in our missions supporting the Coast Guard and boating safety.

 OPFAC Crew       USCG 47

The Coast Guard considers the Auxiliary its primary resource for recreational boating safety outreach and prevention (see the message "From the Commandant"), and each Coast Guard district around the nation has established a senior officer and staff to provide tight liaison and coordination between the active-duty Coast Guard and the various Auxiliary units in that district. But the Auxiliary is more than recreational boating safety; we regularly serve alongside our active-duty shipmates serving as communications watch standers, uninspected passenger vessel inspectors, training resources for air and sea operations, numerous duties related to environmental protection and homeland security, and even as chefs! In fact, there are nearly two dozen "qualifications" open to Auxiliarists willing to put in the time and training. Collectively, Auxiliarists volunteer over 4.5 million hours per year and complete nearly 500,000 missions – a true force multiplier for the Coast Guard! 

Auxiliary Membership

Membership in the Auxiliary is open to persons 17 years of age and older. We are organized into 16 districts nationwide, comprised of 171 divisions with approximately 980 flotillas. Membership in the Auxiliary can be almost anything the member wishes to make it and the effort they are willing to put into training.

The Finest Hours Movie Event

Members patrol using their own private recreational boats, or as crew on other members' boats. Flotilla 2-8 is one of the few units with their very own Auxiliary unit surface operational facility, #311028, a 31' Grady White.  This provides a unique opportunity for new members to get training and become Boat Crew then become Coxswain qualified on 311028 and other member's boats. 


With more training, Auxiliary members can also qualify for crew positions on Coast Guard boats, cutters and ice breakers. Auxiliary members teach, and attend, a variety of boating-related public education and member training classes. Some people join the Auxiliary primarily for the training opportunities. As the demands on regular Coast Guard units increase during these times of "new normalcy," Auxiliarists contribute to the smooth running of Station Portsmouth Harbor, helping out with everything from facilities and administrative support to watch standing in the tower.  

Another way Auxiliarists promote boating safety is through Marine Dealer Visits, meeting with the management of local marinas and boat dealers to provide information and materials to help introduce their customers to safe boating practices.

  • Beyond our day-to-day missions, there are many leadership roles at the flotilla, division, district and national level which can be earned.
  • We also have Flotilla members serving in Auxiliary Aviation, a District wide asset. AuxAir Crews, which generally consist of a Pilot and Aerial Observer, fly from local airports on patrols under command of Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod.
  • Auxiliary members serve to extend the Coast Guard visibility by providing a uniformed presence on a number of commercial ferry and whale watch boats.
  • Regional Hazardous Materials drills and planning are supported by Auxiliary boats and members who are trained to respond in a real environmental emergency to help protect the health and safety of the public and our local wildlife.
  • Auxiliarists provide local input to the Coast Guard and NOAA teams which produce nautical charts and maintain aids to navigation such as bouys, daymarks and bridge lights and signage

AuxAir            N1327G Helo

Joining the Auxiliary is not all work, however. Along with our missions we find time to relax and have fun at Auxiliary outings, training sessions, classes, and conferences. Auxiliarists make lasting, meaningful friendships.