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Fri, 03 Jun 22  

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Need Go-To Person
•"I have a question and don't know where/what/who to ask.." YOUR MENTOR
•ID Cards (Initial and replacement/renewal)
•Insignia Bank:  "I need..." or "I have but no longer need" an insignia item
•"I have a uniform question"
•Activity and Task reporting, Use of Reporting Forms
•How do I know whether my training is up to date?
•"What are my current"...Hours, Tasks, Awards?
•Where can I get a current roster or other contact information?
•AuxData issues
•Reimbursement Check Requests, Budget requests, Donations
•Dues payments and schedule
•Flotilla Equipment: Transfer of Custody (Inventory update only, Program FSOs are the physical custodians)
•I need official envelopes, Penalty Mail postage, or RBS literature
•Program Equipment
•"How do I become a (fill in the job)"
•"How do I (Crew a Patrol, find VSC Opportunities, etc.)
•"How do I offer my (Aircraft, Boat, Radio) as a Facility?"
•"How do I get out of REYR or REWK?"
Program FSO
•Member Training Courses (Core Training, Blood-Borne, Risk Management, ICS classes, Leadership Continuum)
•Course Delivery Methods (AUXLMS, Testing Center, AUX Classroom)
•C-School schedule
•"I completed Training and there is a Certificate, what do I do with it?"
•Calendar items, Social Media (access and content such as photos) FSO-CS
•"I didn't get my...(award certificate, ribbon, etc.)"
•C-School Applications, orders, travel claims
•COVID Questions, 7101 Assessment Form and updates
•Deployment opportunities and questions
•Personnel Security Investigations (PSI)
•Certain Competency certification applications (See DQT Guide)
•Accession AP > IQ > BQ > AX2 including Boating Safety Certificate
•"I have a great suggestion for a Flotilla (fun outing, service project, partnering)"
•Other questions, referrals