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Auxiliary Support—Coast Guard Recruiting Command

Coast Guard leadership declared active duty recruiting as “mission critical.” The Auxiliary’s Coast Guard Recruiting Support (CGRS) Division was formed upon the request of Coast Guard Recruiting Command to support local recruiting office activities and augment remote recruiting as a true “force multiplier”. Specially trained Auxiliary members work under the supervision of a local Coast Guard Recruiting Office Recruiter In Charge “RIC” or their designee or a specialty Coast Guard Recruiter.

Auxiliary CGRS members perform four main tasks:
1). Recruiting Office administrative support
2). Remote Coast Guard recruiting augmentation
3). Ceremonial augmentation
4). Promote the Seek Talent And Refer program (STAR)

Recruiting Office Administrative Support is performed under direction of the RIC. Some activities Auxiliary CGRS members perform include screening telephone and walk-in prospects, assisting with mass mailings, emailing promotions and scheduling recruiting visits at schools, administering physical fitness testing, driving prospects to Military Entrance Processing Station, or entering prospect’s data into the Coast Guard recruiting computer system.

Remote Coast Guard Recruiting Augmentation is carried out under the direction of the RIC or a designated specialty Coast Guard Recruiter. Recruiting Augmentation consists of trained Auxiliary members, in the designated uniform of the day, conducting remote outreach events including high school career days, JROTC classroom presentations, college fairs, technical college career fairs, and special events such as Sea Scout, Civil Air Patrol, or Naval Sea Cadet conventions.

Ceremonial Augmentation supports the Recruiting Offices' duties to perform memorials for Coast Guard veteran burials, march in community parades, perform Presentation of the Colors at community sporting events, and participate in special memorial events.

Promote the Scout Talent And Refer STAR program consists of Auxiliary members of the CGRS Division conducting presentations at Auxiliary Division and Flotilla meetings to facilitate participation in the STAR program by encouraging Auxiliary members to include Coast Guard recruiting brochures at all Auxiliary community outreach events, such as boat shows.


The ideal Auxiliary candidate to join the CGRS Division will have a keen attention to detail, be able to obtain a Coast Guard security clearance Auxiliary Logical Access Cards (ALAC), meet Coast Guard grooming standards for remote recruiting augmentation and ceremonial augmentation, and enjoy public speaking. Applicants must be Basic Qualified or better and current in all required core training. Auxiliary Public Affairs training is encouraged. Experience as a Coast Guard Academy Admissions Partner or Auxiliary University Program member is ideal.

One's selection to the CGRS Division is dependent upon the needs of the Coast Guard Recruiting Office. Not every Auxiliary member who applies can be matched to a Recruiting Office program. When a Recruiting Office asks for Auxiliary assistance, the CGRC Branch Chief and Assistant Branch Chief will solicit area Flotilla members to join the program. After the application is vetted and an interview conducted, the applicant will be admitted to an online training program written by Coast Guard Recruiter School instructors. Upon completion of the online training, the Auxiliary member will be introduced to the RIC who mentor and sign off on the Auxiliary members Performance Qualification Standard (PQS). Select Auxiliary members may be invited to attend the active duty Coast Guard Recruiters School at TRACEN Cape May. Those members who have attended Recruiters School have found the experience challenging and rewarding. Auxiliary members completing training and meeting the PQS are awarded the same Recruiters Badge as active-duty Coast Guard Recruiters by the RIC.

CGRS Uniform Information
The RIC sets the Uniform of the Day requirements for Auxiliarists representing the Recruiting Office which may differ from the Auxiliary uniform policy including the active-duty Coast Guard Recruiting polo shirt in place of the Auxiliary uniform. Auxiliarists in the CGRS Division are expected to maintain Coast Guard grooming and weight standards while representing the Recruiting Office.

We invite you to explore the rest of the CGRS website and especially the Auxiliary In Action page. If working alongside active-duty Coast Guard personnel and making a real difference in addressing a “mission critical” need of the Coast Guard, please select the Contact CGRS link below to see if a Recruiting Support position is available near you.






 CG Recruiting Support Division Contact Us

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See below to access the Recruiting Office (RO) / Recruiters-in-Charge (RIC) Brochure.