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 See new Parasail Brochure below.

An uninspected passenger vessel is any vessel (typically under 100 gross tons) carrying six or fewer passengers for hire.  The type of vessel does not matter, but the fact that one or more persons pay for passage determines whether a vessel falls under the UPV requirements.

The term “uninspected” refers to the provision under the Passenger Vessel Act of 1993 that vessels carrying six or fewer passengers do not require an inspection by the Coast Guard.  They are still expected  to comply with the law and carry all required equipment and have a licensed master.  The Auxiliary provides a complementary safety examination for Uninspected Passenger Vessels, and similar to a recreational Vessel Safety Check, educates the owner/master concerning compliance with the regulations.  Vessels that pass the examination will receive a UPV decal for display on the vessel. Vessels that fail will be given a list of deficiencies, but no enforcement action is taken.

UPV examiners must be properly trained and certified.  The Personal Qualification Standard (PQS) for Uninspected Passenger Vessel Examiner details the specific requirements, both the knowledge base and the practical training.  Upon completion of the PQS, the individual’s Sector will issue a Letter of Designation to authorize the member to conduct Uninspected Passenger Vessel examinations.

The Auxiliary has three primary roles in the UPV program:  public outreach; owner/vessel outreach; and UPV exams.  One way to increase UPV regulatory compliance is to educate the public to understand and look for the UPV decal on vessels for hire.  While most UPV owners know the regulations and are compliant, many are not aware or they do not maintain compliance over time. The Auxiliary UPV examiner is available to assist these owners to maintain compliance with the regulations and provide a safe vessel for the passengers.  

Boating Safety is a critical mission of the Coast Guard and the Coast Guard Auxiliary. Being a UPV examiner is one way to assist commercial vessel owners, to educate the public, and possibly to save lives.



  UPV Exam Booklet  (PDF - 208 KB)

  UPV Exam Guidelines  Under 100 gross tons

  UPV Exam Guidelines  Over 100 gross tons

  UPV Policy Letter 

  Passenger for hire Guide Chart 

  Passenger for Hire Trifold 

  OUPV License Checklist

  UPV Poster (PDF -  272 KB)

  Going for a ride? UPV Poster 

  Annex V Garbage Disposal Requirements


Miscellaneous Information 

    Passengers for Hire
      * Is my operation considered passengers for hire?   Refer to 46 USC 2101 or  USCG NVIC 7-94
      * Passenger for Hire Handout

         Licensing - OUPV, Charter boat or guide license information: USCG National Maritime Center.

    Navigable Waters of the United States
    U.S. Coast Guard UPV requirements apply only on Federally
   Navigable waterways. Contact your closest Coast Guard Sector office or Marine
   Safety Unit, through the USCG Homeport Port Directory (pull down menu), for waterway details for your    area.

    Water Jet Devices / Hydroflight Devices - passenger for hire policy

    UPV Performance Qualification Standard (PQS) is located under MS PQS menu. 

    Clarification of VE Role from USCG Auxiliary V Directorate (PDF - 191 KB)

Outreach Aids Available from ANSC

   4065 - Charter Guidance for Passengers

   4066 - Operator Uninspected Passenger Vessels

Parasail information:

The Coast Guard does not regulate or inspect parasail
equipment or regulate parasail operations.

   Coast Guard Parasail Brochure 


   MSIB 03-15: Parasailing flight and safety rules

    A few facts about parasailing:

• It is estimated that more than 3 million passengers participate in a parasailing excursion on U.S. waters each year.

• There is a known fleet of 325 parasailing vessels conducting operations in U.S. waters.

• 135 (42 percent) of the vessels carry more than 6 passengers and are inspected and certified by the Coast Guard.

• 190 (58 percent) of the vessels carry less than six passengers and are not inspected by the Coast Guard.

• The total inspected fleet of 135 parasailing vessels represents a 150 percent increase from the 2005 fleet.

• Federal regulations for small passenger and uninspected passenger vessels do not have provisions covering parasailing equipment or operations. - See more at: