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Active Duty Drill Sheets

   In our efforts to create a more proficient and safer team, the Surface Division has obtained the Active-Duty Training Drill Sheets. As often as practical on missions, it is recommended crews select one of the drill sheets and practice the drill. The better prepared we are, the greater the value we will provide to the active duty and the boating public. These drill sheets provide an excellent opportunity for us to be better.

   Please remember these drill sheets were created for the active duty and some of the tasks do not apply to our situation. On the Man Overboard drill it discusses the Surface Swimmer. This does not apply to us. The same drill discusses demonstrating appropriate first aid - we are limited to the first aid the crew member is certified for.

Search Patterns (Precision)
Search Patterns (Drifting)
Restricted Visibility Navigation
Manual Plotting
Man Overboard (MOB) Recovery
Automated Plotting

   We will be updating these drill sheets to be more applicable to us (the Auxiliary) and we will be adding more as we move forward.

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