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US Coast Guard Auxiliary geographical map The Auxiliary has members in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and Guam.

Membership is open to men and women, 17 years or older, U.S. citizens of all states and territories, civilians or active duty or former members of any of the uniformed services and their Reserve components, including the Coast Guard.

Facility (radio station, boat or aircraft) ownership is desirable but not mandatory.  

Although under the authority of the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, the Auxiliary is internally autonomous, operating on four organizational levels: Flotilla, Division, District Regions and National.

Flotilla A Flotilla is the basic organizational unit of the Auxiliary and is comprised of at least 15 qualified members who carry out Auxiliary program activities.
  • Every Auxiliarist is a member of a Flotilla.
  • Each Flotilla is consists of members led by a Flotilla Commander (FC), a Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC), and Flotilla Staff Officers (FSO's).

Find a flotilla near you.

See all District 13 Flotillas and Divisions.

Division Flotillas in the same general geographic area are grouped into Divisions.
  • A Division provides administrative, training and supervisory support to Flotillas and promotes District policy.
  • Each Division is led by a Division Commander (DCDR), a Division Vice-Commander (VCDR), Divsion Staff Officers (SO's) and usually consists of five or more Flotillas.
District/Region Flotillas and Divisions are organized in Districts. These are comparable to Coast Guard Districts and share the same district number. Some Districts are further divided into Regions.

A District/Region provides administrative and supervisory support to Divisions, promotes policies of both the District Commander and National Auxiliary Committee. There are no regions in District 13, though we have some activites which are based on the Coast Guard Sector: Sector Puget Sound, and Sector

All Districts and Regions are governed by a District Commodore (DCO), District Chief of Staff (DCOS), and District Captains (DCAPT), under the guidance of the Coast Guard District Commander.

At this level, Coast Guard officers are assigned to oversee and promote the Auxiliary programs.

National Auxiliary national officers, along with the Commandant, are responsible for the administration and policy-making for the entire Auxiliary.
These officers comprise the National Executive Committee (NEXCOM) that is composed of the Chief Director of Auxiliary (an Active Duty officer), National Commodore and the National Vice Commodores.
NEXCOM and the National Staff NEXCOM and the National Staff form the Auxiliary Headquarters organization.
The Chief Director is a senior Coast Guard officer and directs the administration of the Auxiliary on policies established by the Commandant.
The overall supervision of the Coast Guard Auxiliary is under the Assistant Commandant for Operations (G-O), who reports directly to the Commandant.