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District 17 SLO

Mark ParmeleeIn 2014 I was appointed by Commodore Bruce Jones to be the State Liaison for Alaska. The role allows for coordination between the Auxiliary, the active duty Coast Guard and the Alaska Office of Boating Safety. Much of this coordination is specified in a January 15, 2015 Memorandum of Understanding.

If I may assist you in the SLO, please get in touch with me. The best way is by email to [email protected]. I’ll try to get back to you in a timely manner.

Forms & PDFs
Helpful SLO Links
  • New!! "Alaska Boating Tips" click on the image to view, download, and print!
This link on the Auxiliary website contains a brochure that may be helpful to share with boaters wanting a vessel safety check, to find a class nearby and more information on joining the Auxiliary. It also contains two panels that mention communication devices and the importance of wearing a life jacket because of the risk of cold water immersion. Each of the brochure panels has a QR code that can be used with a smart phone to go directly to the most appropriate website. The URL is provided for the small percentage that don’t have a smart phone. The brochure is a devise to lead readers to other more comprehensive information.

Click on image for file download

 alaska boating tips pamphletalaska boating tips pamphlet       

What's New In SLO

 The Alaska Boating Tips brochure is now available for the asking. 5,000 were printed in 2019 with the support of the USCG Auxiliary D-17 district voting members. Auxiliarists that wish to have a supply please use the form directly below. I can mail them out as long as my supply of government stamps holds out or I can coordinate a transfer.

Use This Form For Questions Or Comments

  Please use this form to ask questions or to pass information to the SLO, we need your input on what is working and what is not. Thanks for helping District 17 keep moving forward!