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Last Update: 5.18.2022 

2022 Required National Workshops
Required workshops must be completed by currently certified members and entered into AuxData II no later than 30JUN22 to avoid being place in REWK status.
NOTE: Members with qualifications in REWK or REYR status will not be authorized to complete any missions in that area until the REWK/REYR status has been resolved.

Workshop Name

Who is Required to Complete?

Method of Completion

Reporting Method

2022 Surface Operations Workshop

Coxswains, Boat Crew, Personal Water Craft Operators, Paddle Craft Operators, and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Instructor-led Workshop - 
 Visit to register

7039 Workshop Attendance Form must be submitted by Instructor to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for task entry)

2022 Aviation Workshop

Pilots, Air Crew, Air Observers, and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Instructor-led Workshop - 
 Visit to register

7039 Workshop Attendance Form must be submitted by Instructor to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for task entry)

2022 Telecommunications Workshop

Owners and Operators of Auxiliary Radio Facilities, Telecommunications Operators and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Instructor-led Workshop - 
 Visit to register

7039 Workshop Attendance Form must be submitted by Instructor to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for task entry)

AUXCA Sanitiation Workshop

Culinary Assistance Specialists 1 or 2, and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Pass AUXFS_SAN test on National Testing Center website (

Let your FSO-IS know you have passed the test. No further action necessary. NTC will automatically send the completion over to AuxData II within 2-3 weeks.

2022 Instructor Workshop

Instructors and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Review presentation on E-Directorate website

Member must submit a Self-Attestation Form to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for entry)

Instructor-led Workshop - 
 Visit to register

7039 Workshop Attendance Form must be submitted by Instructor to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for task entry)

2022 Vessel Examiner Workshop

Vessel Examiners and those in training to become qualified, including those in REYR intending to regain currency.

Review presentation on V-Directorate website

Member must submit a Self-Attestation Form to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for entry)

Instructor-led Workshop - 
 Visit to register

7039 Workshop Attendance Form must be submitted by Instructor to FSO-IS (who will forward to SO-IS for task entry)