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Recruiting Division
Chester L. Williams.
DVC-HR, Division Chief
Thank you for visiting the Recruiting Division’s webpage. The Recruiting Division is made up of a Division Chief and 4 Branch Chiefs – 3 Area Branch Chiefs and the Branch Chief for External Services. In addition, the webpage has links to all the up to date recruiting forms and information. The Recruiting Division works closely with all the other HR divisions to ensure recruiters are up-to-date on any new or updated programs.
The District HR Liaison Branch Chief work directly with the DSO-HR officers providing up-to-date information regarding the recruitment of new members, guidance with forms, recruiting best practices and information from other divisions of the Human Resources Directorate. The District Liaison’s main job is to make sure the recruiters are receiving the most accurate and up-to-date information. In addition to passing information down the chain of leadership, the Liaison is responsible for gathering information that has come back up the chain. It is because of quality feedback from HR officers that positive changes are made.
The Branch Chief for the National Referral System updates and maintains the information received from interested parties through the National Recruiting Website. Additional duties are insuring the proper HR officers are receiving the emails from the National Referral system so that individuals interested in joining are contacted in a timely manner. The Branch also provides metrics on the status of interested parties, as well as conducting a survey regarding the service provided by the HR officers. In 2017, the National Referral System received over 5700 requests for information.
The Branch Chief for Recruiting Outreach seeks to form recruiting liaisons with Military, Fraternal, and volunteer matching organizations. Contact information for cooperating organizations will be found on this page for HR officers to reference.
The Branch Chief for Human Resource Training sets up the Tuesday Night Live and Human Resource Officer training. Tuesday Night Live is an online question and answer session open to individuals who are interested in the Auxiliary and would like to know more about the Auxiliary. This was originally started at the district level, but because of its success, the Recruiting Division has taken it national. This Branch will also be setting up training seminars for HR officers to learn their craft.
The members of the Recruiting Division are here to help you. Please feel free to contact us.
Happy Recruiting!
Recruiting Publications and Resources
- Auxiliarists in Approval Pending (AP) Status FAQ
- Member Involvement Plan
- New Member Instructor Guide