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"1. We are starting to field questions from various DIRAUX's regarding the process for re-enrolling AUX members who previously disenrolled. Please forward the following SECCEN guidance to your DIRAUX components: SECCEN Re-Enrollment Guidance Regarding Background Investigations: All Auxiliary members who left the USCG Aux program and who are returning to be re-enrolled must be properly processed or vetted through SECCEN.

The degree of processing will depend on the type of background investigation on file for the returning member and the length of time or break of service the returning member accumulated. These requirements are the same throughout CG. 1. At minimum every disenrolled AUX member who returns to volunteer service, whether OS or DO, requires the DIRAUX to submit a new Enrollment Application ANSC 7001 (10-12) to SECCEN Customer Service to have the AUX member re-activated in the CG Security database, with the following caveats.

2. AUX OS Re-enrollment- Returning AUX OS members must have at minimum a new current SAC investigation conducted. The SAC was designed for short term volunteers, guest and associates. Per OPM standards, the SAC is only good for 179 days. SECCEN cannot use the previous SAC results as the investigative basis for a returning AUX member due to the results of the investigation are obsolete due to time. The DIRAUX will comply with the same procedures as if the returning member were new to the CG Auxiliary.

The DIRAUX must submit the security package to SECCEN Customer Service. SECCEN will conduct a new SAC and provide the results through the ISMS automated feed to the AUX database as normal. If the AUX OS member has a NACI higher level of investigation and has not had a break in service longer than 24 months, the DIRAUX must submit a new Enrollment Application ANSC 7001 (10-12) to SECCEN Customer Service to have the AUX member re-activated in the CG ISMS Personnel Security database. If SECCEN requires additional information the DIRAUX will be contacted.

3. AUX DO/DI Re-enrollment- If the AUX DO/DI member has a NACLC or higher level of investigation that was closed favorably within the last 9 years and has not had a break in service longer than 24 months, the DIRAUX must submit at minimum a CG 5588 form to SECCEN Customer Service requesting SECCEN action to re-active the AUX DO/DI member in the CG ISMS Personnel Security database.

If SECCEN requires additional information the DIRAUX will be contacted. If the NACLC investigation closed date is older than 9 years, DIRAUIX must submit a new NACLC security package to include e-QIP and all other required documents as if the member was a new AUX DO/DI member."