Return to Flotilla 6-8's Home Page.
Quick Links
These are links that will quickly get you to what you're looking for. Once you've gone to these pages, we recommend that you bookmark these in your browser so you will always have them:
New Members Handouts & FlyersAUXDATA, Activity Logs, & Reporting
- AUXDATA II Login Page
- AUXDATA II "How To's"
- D11S Activity Log Mission Code/OPCON Matrix
- D11S Activity Log Mission Code/OPCON Matrix (Consolidated with 99P/T Codes)
- Mission Code 99* Category Guide
- Mission Codes & Descriptions
- Reporting:
- Member Training
- Core Training(AUXCT/BQII)
- Competency Training
- AUXCT Re-Certification (Every Five Years)
- AUX Classroom / MOODLE
- FEMA National Testing Center
- National Testing Center (NTC)
- Auxiliary Member Manual(AUXMAN)
- D11SR Operations
- Ops Training
- Surface Ops(BoatCrew/Coxswain)
- Ops Downloads (Study Guides, PPE Info, etc)
- Workshop Availability/Calendars
Web Sites
- District Website - D11S
- Division 6 Website
- AUX Directory / AUX Officer
- Forms Warehouse
- National Help Desk