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 Who can attend the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School?

Elected leaders at all levels of the organization or appointed staff officers at the flotilla level should take this course and will be given top priority. However, Auxiliary personnel interested in becoming leaders are eligible for this course as long as the class size does not exceed 35 students (in-person) or 30 students (virtual).

Are there any course prerequisites?

All students are expected to complete the pre-class reading assignments which will be sent out by the course point of contact. There is a reading guide that can be purchased for about $5.00 from a FedEx print site. There is an electronic copy that can be downloaded for free if you prefer to print it on your own or read as an e-book. Leadership Competency Level 1 must be completed prior to enrolling in AUXLAMS.

How do I apply to the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School?


If interested in an AFC-56 funded quotas, submit a Short Term Training Request (STTR) via your Chair of Leadership (COL) to be considered for a class. Ask your highest point in the COL to submit your STTR to your DIRAUX for entry into Direct Access, this is important since the classes fill fast once they are listed in Direct Access. So inform your COL to forward your STTR to your DIRAUX so your name can entered your name for the class.

Contact the class Point of Contact (POC) to reserve a seat in the class. Some of these classes have contracted hotels or government billeting arranged. Contact the class POC directly to find out about deadlines to get the special hotel contracted pricing or to make reservations for government billeting.

There are many non-AFC-56 funded seats available in all of the AUXLAMS classes if you do not get a AFC-56 funded seat. If interested in a non-AFC-56 funded seat contact the class POC directly about getting a seat, some districts may require you to submit an STTR for no cost District generated orders to attend.


If you are interested in attending, please ensure that you have created an account on the new Moodle page and then search for AUXLAMS courses in the course listings. Admission to virtual AUXLAMS courses will be first signed up/first admitted. Virtual AUXLAMS courses will run periodically throughout the calendar year to supplement the in-person C School offerings

What if I have questions about the course?

If you have questions after reading all the material on this web site contact the AUXLAMS Branch Chief Julie Carey.