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 Effective April 20, 2022, a new U.S. Coast Guard regulation puts a 12-year expiration on all disposable (non-rechargeable) fire extinguishers on recreational vessels.
For more information, visit fire ext

Boating and Non-Boating Programs

Below is a brief but comprehensive listing of the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary's many missions. 

Surface (water) Missions Safety Patrol - Patrol under Coast Guard orders using an Auxiliary Operational Facility.
Regatta Patrol - Patrolling organized regattas and boat parades.
Chart Update Patrol - Verifying the accuracy and completeness of information published on charts and related navigation publications.
PWC Patrol - Patrolling on a Personal Water-Craft (PWC).

Air Operations Missions

SAR Mission - Search And Rescue call out or the air equivalent to a vessel safety patrol.
Enforcement of Laws and Treaties - Air support of a Coast Guard law enforcement mission.
MEP Mission - Air support in the area of Marine Environmental Protection.
Ice Operations Mission - Air support in the area of ice patrol operations.
Logistics Mission - Transportation of personnel.
Training Mission - Training missions involving air operations.
Land-based Operations Missions

Radio Watch stander - Serving as a qualified watch stander at a Coast Guard or Auxiliary facility.
Officer of the Day Duties - OOD at a Coast Guard facility either ashore or afloat.
B-2 Alert SAR Standby - Time spent on stand-by.
B-0 Alert SAR Standby - Standing by under with an Auxiliary Operational Facility for immediate call out.
SAR Call Out - Search And Rescue call out involving communication facilities.
CG Crew Augmentation - Serving as a qualified crew on Coast Guard, not Auxiliary, vessels.
Enforcement of Laws and Treaties - Providing surface support of Coast Guard law enforcement mission.
MEP Mission - Surface support for a Marine Environmental Protection mission.
Auxiliary Radio Net Mission - Maintaining Coast Guard authorized Auxiliary radio nets.
Aids to Navigation Mission-Federal - Servicing federal or private Aids to Navigation.
Bridge Administration - Inspecting bridges

Public Education Missions
PE Other Than State/Youth - Auxiliary multi-lesson public education classes.
State and Youth Courses - State public education classes and youth courses.
MT Instructor Mission - Member training activity, including specialty courses, boats crew training, and basic qualification classes.
Environmental Missions
Enforcement of Laws and Treaties - Provide support to a Coast Guard law enforcement mission.
Marine Environmental Protection - Provide support to the Coast Guard in the area of Marine Environmental Protection.

Coast Guard Support and Boating Safety Missions

CG Operational Support - A service provided to operational Coast Guard units in support of Coast Guard programs.
CG Administrative Support - Provide support to the Coast Guard in areas other than operations or recruiting.
AIM Mission - The Auxiliary's Academy Introduction Mission (AIM). RAP Mission - Coast Guard Recruiting Assistance Program (RAP).
Courtesy Marine Examinations - Vessel Safety Checks; Personal Water-Craft Safety Checks; Uninspected Passenger Vessel; and Commercial Fishing Vessel.
Public Affairs Mission - Promoting the Coast Guard, Coast Guard Auxiliary or Coast Guard Reserve.
Marine Dealer Visits - Participating in the Marine Dealer Visitation Program.

Agency Support Missions

Federal Agencies - Provide non-operational support to other federal agencies, such as Customs, Corps of Engineers and NOAA.
State Agencies - Provide support to state agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources, State Police and Marine Patrols.

Local Agencies - Provide support to local agencies, such as local police, sheriff's offices, fire/rescue and Harbormasters.