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45 foot boat from Station Eatons Neck

Lee Nothdurft Celebrates 45 Years with the Auxiliary

 Lee's 45th 6 Lee's 45th 3

Lee's 45th 4 Lee's 45th 5


Blessing of the Fleet - 2017

Dock 1 Dock 2

Dock 3 Parade

Team 1 Steve 1

Facility 1 Steve 2

USCG Boat Boat

Police Facility 3

Dick Steve 2

Team 3 Team 4

BOF Dock BOF Dock 2

BOF dock 3 BOF YC

Blessing of the Fleet - 2011

Tuba BOF Team


Gene YC Launch

CG Boat Fire Boat

Tugs Police Photog

Facility 1 Crew 1

Bill's Facility CG boat 2

Fred's Facility Eventide

Facility 2 Celeste

 Old Glory Jeff's Boat

Old Glory 2 Facility 3

Fred's boat Fred's Boat 2

Facility 4 Facility 5

Eventide 3 Eventide crew

Mr Pollack VSC


Dock Crew Jeff

 Jeff and Eddie

Eventide approach Sea Scouts