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Click here for the Operations Manual

If you would like powerpoint decks of the BOAT CREW or the COXSWAIN programs, please contact the FSO-MT, FSO-OP or FSO-CS.

Hypothermia Gear Chart Hypothermia Gear Chart

Source: Ch. 4, Section E.15.a, Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual

Please note that if the AIR TEMP is 68F and the WATER TEMP is 39F, Drysuits are OPTIONAL. 

Communications with Station

Initiate your patrol when the facility is prepared to leave the dock.

Terminate your patrol when the vessel is secured to the dock. 

Do not hesitate to re-assess your GAR score and report to the Station when conditions change.


SAR Vest Configuration

 Boat Crew Survival Kit image

Crew Fatigue

Coat Guard Boat Crew Fatigue Standards Chart

Trailering- Time spent conducting trailering activities and at a sheltered anchorage counts as 50% underway time (e.g., one hour spent at a sheltered anchorage counts for ½ hour accumulated crew underway time)

Useful OPS Links

Weather Reports

Online Chart of Flotilla AOR

NAVRULES Study Guide 

Notice to Mariners

Nautical Calculators

Animated Knots Tutorial

OIA Station:

STATION Portsmouth VA; 4000 Coast Guard Blvd; Phone: 757-483-8590
Fax: 483-8461 

Recent Significant SAR Activity GREEN = SAR Location

Recent SAR Activity Chart