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We are committed to excellence in Operations & Marine Safety

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Operations And Marine Safety

 Our Operations Team responds to Mayday calls of all types, vessels taking on water, vessels on fire, vessels involved in collisions. We carry out Search and Rescue missions, searches for overdue vessels, regatta and night patrols, special events including escort duty, and helicopter training for the air arm of the CG. We train for terrorist-induced maritime disasters and otherwise constantly prepare to support our active USCG brethren at Station Miami Beach and Sector Miami.

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Operations And Marine SafetyFor those interested in active boating, the Auxiliary offers a rigorous level of hands-on training and qualification as boat-crew and coxswain. Qualified Auxiliarists perform regular safety patrol missions in their local area.




In addition, the Auxiliary works side-by-side with their active-duty USCG counterparts in many mission areas. Auxiliarists receive training virtually identical to that of their active duty and reserve counterparts.

The Boat Crew Qualification program consists of in-depth seamanship and boat handling training followed by a series of proficiency tests, both written and practical.






 At some point you may wish to participate in the advanced operational Auxiliarist (AUXOP) Program. You must successfully pass seven Specialty Courses and any related practical demonstration of proficiency: (patrols, communications, administration, seamanship, search and rescue, piloting, navigation, weather).

On patrol