Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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Onboarding Steps
1) Onboarding mentor
2 )In em(ail send instructions with following attachments:
b)Consent document
c)Study Guide
d)New member information doc (MS Word document)
3) Meet in person:
a)Discuss AUX, answer questions
b)Boating Safety course, make certain the field is checked
c)Quiz, score quiz, enter quiz score on application
d)Complete application (review candidate responses; see Application Appendix for explanation)
e)Photocopy proof of U.S. citizenship
f)Set date/time to explore interests
4) Take application and photo copy of proof of citizenship to FSO Qualified Identifier 
5) Review, signs off
6) Paperwork (hard copy) goes to FC
7) FC sends to DIRAUX

After Member Number issued –
1)Need photo ID in uniform shirt of some kind (ODU or Tropical Blue)
2)When Member number issues FSO-CS is notified to do –
a) Send member the instructions for setting up password on AUXDATA and Flotilla website Members Only
b) Add to Flotilla Google Group

New Member Onboarding Folder

 (Click Here)


New Member Information Documents

New Member Information Documents Folder

(Click Here)