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What uniform should I buy first and where do I buy it?

Before spending your money to buy uniforms or uniform accessories, ask your FC or VFC if the flotilla has free uniforms and items available.  You may save a lot this way. 

Buy the Tropical Blue uniform from a local Coast Guard Exchange or onliine at and see our uniforms page too.


People keep using all these acronyms.  What do all these mean?

Look up any USCG AUX acronym in our official Acronym Index.

We've consolidated some of the more commonly used acronyms in this downloadable USCG AUX Acronym spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel file.)


I want to get on the water.  How do I make that happen?

1. Get into BQ status
2. Contact our FSO-OP. 

 I have a qualification that I really want to earn... where do I start?

Ask members who are qualified in the area you are interested in.  Ask them to mentor you.  If you do not have a member number yet, ask the FC, VFC or any FSO for assistance.