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Member Training Resources***How to complete a 7029***

***How to complete a 7030***

Auxiliary Manuals

National Testing Center

Official AUX Forms Warehouse

Auxiliary Qualifications Guidebook

AUXOP Program Information

Marine Safety Program Information

Notes on Paperwork

>The USCG budget is based on our hours.  If you don't turn in hours, you are essentially stealing from the Coast Guard.  They provided us the opportunity to be part of the team in exchange for our effort.

>Hours on a 7030 benefit the flotilla much more than hours on a 7029.  Carefully consider ANY hours that might be eligible for a 7030 when submitting paperwork, including:

  • Dockside or desktop operations training
  • ALL time spent instructing anything for the Auxiliary
  • Literally anything that is even remotely related to Public Affairs.  This includes everything from researching an article to talking to the public in a coffee shop.  This is where we currently lose the most hours.
  • Navigational Aids paperwork and patrol prep
  • All marine safety-related time (i.e. Environmental)