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Access AuxCen Store

Active members of the USCG Auxiliary may login to the Auxiliary Center AUXCEN store.  The Auxiliary Electronic Directory (AuxDirectory) is used to verify membership and identify the Region in which the member resides.  Members must use their AuxDirectory password to enter the AuxCen on-line store.  As an Auxiliarist, your records are established in AuxData.  Accordingly, you automatically have an account in the AuxDirectory.  However, you must activate your account in the AuxDirectory before you may open the AUXCEN Store website.  If you have not yet activated your account in the AuxDirectory or forgot your password, open the AuxDirectory logon webpage and follow the instructions for activating an account or resetting a password.

It is very important that the e-mail address you are currently using and your e-mail address in AuxData match.  If not, you will need to update your records in AuxData before you will be permitted to activate your account in the AuxDirectory.  You can update your e-mail address in AuxData yourself or complete and submit and ANSC Form 7028 to your FSO-IS (Information Services) officer.

Enter AuxCen Store

To open the AuxCen Store website, log on to the AUXCEN website.  Use your Member ID number and the password established for the AuxDirectory to log on; the browser will open to the Members Only Benefit Page.  Select the hyperlink titled AUXCEN which is located in the upper right corner of the webpage just under the header.  Having selected the AUXCEN link you are now in the Auxiliary Center Store.  Browse the store for products of interest, add items to the Cart then select Checkout and follow the instructions for purchasing the selected items. 

AuxCen Store Contact and Mailing Information

Coast Guard Auxiliary Center
1301 W 1st St Suite E1
Granite City, IL 62040-1802

Telephone number:  618-823-5009

Fax number:             618-823-5029

Effective 28 Sep 2020