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Intro to Knots

Recreational boaters will find that mastering a few knots (some are called bends) will enhance their boating experience and safety.  These knots are:

  1. Sheet (or Beckett) Bend / Double Sheet Bend
  2. Reef (or Square) Knot
  3. Bowline
  4. Clove Hitch
    • Attach an object to a rail or stanchion with an easily adjustable hitch
    • Demo - Clove Hitch
  5. Round Turn with Two Half Hitches
  6. Cleat Hitch
There are multitudes of other knots and bends, however, the ones listed above will address nearly all line handling needs that arise in recreational boating.  The links above open a knot-learning app, Grog Knots, which is available for download to smartphones from their associated app stores.