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 Volunteer to Make a Difference!

Are you looking for adventure while serving your country and your local community?

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The Coast Guard Auxiliary is the civilian, non-military component of the U.S. Coast Guard team, created by an act of Congress in 1939. The Auxiliary directly supports the U.S. Coast Guard in all of its missions except military and law enforcement actions.

Recreational boating in the United States is growing rapidly.

Advanced training is available in Patrols, Search & Rescue, Navigation, Weather, Seamanship, Communications and Environmental Protection. 

 To help make boating safer for all, the Auxiliary needs more quality members,
people like you!


If you would like to meet some Flotilla 6-7 Auxiliarists and get more details on joining the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, please contact:

Human Resource Officer: [email protected] 


Flotilla Commander: [email protected]
Flotilla Vice Commander: [email protected]