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Get Started in the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-8!

Thank you for inquiring about how to become a member of the Flotilla 12-8, Sector Charleston. Because the job we do is often sensitive and could involve national security issues, Coast Guard Auxiliary applicants receive security and background checks as a routine part of the membership process.


  • US Citizen
  • Minimum of 17 years of age; no upper limit
  • No felony conviction
  • Minimal phyical requirements

Please complete the form below. Once you have submitted it, you will be contacted shortly by our Human Resources Flotilla Staff Officer, Dawn Irene Regehr.


Type G5%Yb here (Anti-SPAM):

You agree that the information provided by you may be used by the US Coast Guard Auxiliary for the purpose of providing your contact information to one or more members of a US Coast Guard Auxiliary unit located in your area and that someone from that unit may contact you. This form will be transmitted un-encrypted over the internet, and subsequently to local units via ordinary email. By clicking SUBMIT you consent to the collection, storage and transmission of the information contained on this form.

Should you have any questions, please contact:
Dawn Irene Regehr, FSO-HR
Cell: (843) 998-3346
Email: [email protected]