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Uncle Sam Wants You to Join the Coast Guard Auxiliary 

Become a Proud member of the 

Coast Guard Auxiliary. Flotilla 04 - 08 
is currently seeking dedicated new members 
to help support the United States 

Flotilla 04-08 meets the fourth Monday of each month.

We continually seek new members interested in actively performing a public service to the boating community.

The United States Coast Guard Auxiliary is essentially a public service organization made up of civilians, open to both men and women who are age 17 or older and a citizen of the United States. The purpose of the Coast Guard Auxiliary is to assist the United States Coast Guard in any of its missions except law enforcement or military actions. We volunteer our time, talents, life experience, vessels, and radios. We are given special training in order to work with Team Coast Guard. The fellowship and satisfaction derived from our safe boating activities and social functions are a bonus that enhance our service.

Flotilla 04-08 needs a few good men and women...

if you are willing to expand your life experiences and are willing to be trained for new experiences, come join us ...

Where Your Participation Matters !

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