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 Flotilla 12-01 meetings as they say in Australia, are "Over the Moon."
 Doug Beckstein, Flotilla Commander and JC Caianiello, Vice Flotilla Commander were elected to serve as FC and VFC for USCG Auxiliary East Bay Flotilla 12-01 for 2019.
  Salute your service to our country by shopping on Amazon Smile. For every purchase you make, Amazon Smile will give a donation to the Coast Guard Auxiliary Association. This helps the Coast Guard Auxiliary ready to meet their missions.

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The Coast Guard Auxiliary Association provides the financial stability that the Coast Guard Auxiliary must have to ensure readiness to meet its mission.

Another standing room only at June's Flotilla Meeting.
Better late than never—Chester R. Bartalini is sworn in as the Division Vice Commander (DVCDR) for Division 12 of District 11 Northern Region.

Quindy Sammler is sworn in as the Division Staff Officer (SO-MS) for Marine Safety.


While Dear Abby didn't mention the USCG Auxiliary by name, nor did she provide person with all the information that she should have, she did no major damage.

What would be your response to the person who asked this question?

Something to think about, hey?

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, February 17, 2018, page E8.


The word is out. The California Boater Card is going to be a driver for public education and vessel safety checks.

The write-up shown here was a full page write-up in the SF Chronicle, January 25, 2018.