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HR Documents Banner

It should be noted that the Instructions and/or Procedures below may apply to District First Southern Region only and may not be relevant to your District.  

Please note that documents in word format can be tailored to reflect your flotilla and division information before distributing it to the prospective members. 

Document Index Banner
           Information for FSO-HR and Recruiter
           Enrollment Application
           Status Upgrade
TRANSFER OF A MEMBER (Inter- and Intra-District)
           Disenrollment for Non-payment of Dues
           Disenrollment at Member’s Request
           Death of a Member
           New Member Training Qualification
           Training for Certifications
           Request for Termination of Qualification
ID CARD APPLICATION (New and Replacement)
           Culinary Assistance Program
           Health Services Program
           Interpreter Corps Program
           Auxiliary Chaplain Support (ACS) Program
Enrollment and Re-enrollment Banner

Information for FSO-HR Recruiter

Prospective Member Email Memorandum

New Member Course Instructor Guide

Submitting Enrollment Application 

The completed application signed by the Flotilla Commander and should be sent to the Director of the Auxiliary (01-SR). This can be done by US Mail or email.

  • US Mail: Send to:

    United States Coast Guard
    Director of Auxiliary
    1 South Street, Battery Park Bldg. Room 210A
    New York, NY 10004
    Attn:  Roger Lett
  • Via Email Attachment:  The attachment must be in the form of password protected PDF files.  The password must be sent to DIRAUX in a separate email.  Send to Roger Lett at [email protected] 

Enrollment Application

Status Upgrade
Members in IQ Status who complete an approved boating class are eligible to be upgraded to BQ Status. The FC should send an email request for a change of status to DIRAUX (Attn. Roger Lett). The email should include an ID Replacement Request form.

Members applying for re-enrollment will keep their old Emplid Numbers no matter when they disenrolled even if it was before they had a Personnel Security Investigation finished (unless it was before they started the new Emplid numbering system).

Personnel Security Investigations (PSI) are good for 10 years. If applicant was disenrolled for "Member Request", "Failure to Pay Dues" or "Retirement" after their PSI was completed as FAVORABLE, they will not have to do one again and their status will be restored to whatever it was when they left (i.e., IQ, BQ or AX), if their CORE training is complete and current.

A new application form (ANSC 7001) will have to be completed.** If the applicant has copies of any certification(s) etc., they should be included with the application.

**If DIRAUX (Roger Lett) is notified, ahead of time, of the applicant's name and last 4 digits of their Social Security Number, he may be able to determine if a new PSI will be required.

Transfer of a Member Banner
TRANSFER OF A MEMBER (Inter- and Intra-District)

Members wishing to transfer to a different flotilla should fill out a Member Transfer Request using form ANSC-7056 per directions on the form. Member making the request must be in good standing and have no outstanding financial obligations.

NOTE: If the member has an address different from the one currently in AUXDATA, the request should be accompanied by form ANSC-7028 (Change of Member Information).
Disenrollment Banner


The documents necessary for each situation are given below. All require completion
and submittal of:

Change of Membership Status - ANSC 7035

Routing Process: Completed ANSC 7035, with any supporting documentation, should be forwarded to the DSO-HR via mail or attachment to an email (email is preferred).


To be eligible to retire from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, the member must have completed 15 years of service.  The following document details the terms of Retired Status and may be sent from the Flotilla Commander to the member. The member should fill out the 7035 and send it to the Flotilla Commander.

Note: if filling out the form is a problem for the member, an email or phone request may be made, and the FC should note that where the member would normally sign the form.

Retirement Letter

The ANSC 7035 should be signed by the Flotilla Commander and submitted per routing process above. Here is an example of a completed ANSC 7035. Example

Remember to make every attempt to recover the retiring member's ID card.

Disenrollment for Non-Payment
If the reason is for non-payment of dues or other financial obligation, complete ANSC 7035 Section I and forward to the member. Please note that sufficient notification, with a deadline date for payment, must be sent to each member. (This should be a minimum of 30 days.) The letter must be sent by certified mail. Please ensure that you keep a copy of all documents for your records.

Disenrollment at Member's Request
If this is at the Members Request, the member should complete Section II. (This section is also used for requesting Retirement.)

Note: if filling out the form is a problem for the member, an email or phone request may be made, and the FC should note that where the member would normally sign the form.

Here is an example of a completed ANSC 7035. Example

Remember to make every attempt to recover the retiring member's ID card.

Death of a Member
In addition to the ANSC 7035, the following Form should be completed and copies sent to member’s leadership chain and the DSO-HR per instructions on the form.

Death of a Member Notification Form

Check appropriate box on ANSC 7035 in Section III and fill in information regarding next of kin.

Here is an example of a completed ANSC 7035. Example


Qualification / Training for Certifications Banner


New Member Core Training Qualification

New members must complete CORE training (both AUXCT and BQC II) to be advanced from AP status and participate in most programs.

Training for Other Competency Certifications

To participate in and receive credit for any Auxiliary Mission such as Boat Crew, Vessel Examiner, Program Visitor, etc., you need to get Certified for that program. Go to the National Member Training website for information using the links below. You may also check the District Qualifications Guide (DQT).

NOTE: Another good source for requirements is the National Member Training Compendium, also found on the T-Directorate website at

Fingerprint Technician Certification

Below are the instructions to complete the certification process for those members who have passed the online fingerprint exam:
As per the Auxiliary Manual (dated 08-17-11) Fingerprint Technicians no longer require a Direct Operational (DO) Personnel Security Investigation Clearance.

Routing Process: Completed   memorandum signed by the Flotilla Commander and supporting documents (include a sample set of fingerprints) to Director of Auxiliary (01-SR), Battery Park Building, 1 South Street - Room 210A, New York, NY 10004-1499, Attn Roger Lett

Request for Termination of Qualification

To terminate a Certification, complete the following form and have your Flotilla Commander send it to the District Qualification Officer responsible for that Certification.

Recruiting Banner


Join the Coast Guard Auxiliary – Home | USCGAUX JoinUs

Auxiliary Recruiting Service Award: The Auxiliary Recruiting Service award is awarded for recruiting seven or more new Auxiliarists into the Auxiliary as determined and credited through the FC. A new Auxiliarist must be fully processed through completion of their favorable PSI determination and be shifted out of AP status before being credited towards this award. 

Everyone is a Recruiter Incentive Program - PSCINST 1120.1A.pdf -Google Drive

CG Recruiting Support- CG Recruiting Support (


Recruiting Posters: available via ANSC Catalog

ID Card Application Banner


Below is the form for a new or replacement ID Card. The same form is used for both new members and current members needing a replacement.  Please note the instructions on the form including:  

  • The form must be completed with the member information and accompanied by a digital photograph of member in appropriate attire with red background.
  • Photo must use JPEG format and identified in the filename by last name, first name.
  • ID Card Application request and photo should be sent as follows: Last names that begins with A-M should be sent to Roger Lett at [email protected] and last names that begins with N-Z should be sent to Thomas R. Mainiero at [email protected] 
  • All requests must go the the DCP, FC, or a member specifically designated by the FC or DCP.


ID Card Application

Note:  The file name on the digital photo should include the member's name and flotilla number.

HR New Member Resources Banner


New Member Handbook

New Member Involvement Plan

USCGA Passport to Success

Let’s Get Started

Choosing a Program

Challenge Coins Award – This District 1SR Award is given to new members who complete AUXCT and BCQ II training in 30 days or less of their enrollment date.


HR Mentoring Banner


Mentoring is crucial to keeping new members engaged. Each new member should be assigned a mentor. It is important that the mentor follow up with the new member regarding their progress in each phase of their training.

Auxiliary Mentoring Guide

The following documents were designed for the specific purposes of assisting new members navigating the various steps in completing their enrollment. Once the new member receives his/her Emplid Number, they should be guided to the documents below.

This guide is designed to help new members to complete their initial training and procurement of their first uniform and should be provided to them by the FSO-HR after they receive their welcome letter from DIRAUX.

Let’s Get Started

When the member has completed all their online training, the next objective should be to assist them in choosing a program.

Choosing A Program

The last phase should be the introduction of Elected Leadership Roles. This will provide guidance and clarification as to the basic elected leadership roles and the requirements to attaining a position.

Elected Leadership Roles


HR Awards Banner


Certificates of Appreciation

Below are Certificates of Appreciation. The Flotilla Commander should consider using these to thank each of his/her staff officers or recognition of members for a job well done during the calendar year.

Certificate of Appreciation

Dedicated Service Award Certificate

Exemplary Service Award Certificate


HR Special Programs Banner


Culinary Assistance Program

The AuxFS Program is a National Auxiliary Program designed to provide trained Auxiliarists to fill-in at Small Boat Stations or on cutters to relieve the AuxCA Specialist (AUXCA). The program allows CAs to attend training, take leave, etc. without the Station being shorthanded. The AuxCA Specialist can also assist with VIP events, Change of Commands and other events such as picnics. AuxCA Specialist can be available for a variety of time frames from one meal to several days. The AuxCA Specialist does not shop for or supply food, they prepare the food the stations provide, and assist in serving and cleanup. AuxCA Specialists are not authorized to handle cash. AuxCA Specialist does supply that home cooked touch during the holidays and at special events.

Health Services Program

The Coast Guard (CG) recognizes that the CG Auxiliary is composed of many skilled volunteers, some of whom are trained, qualified, licensed or registered to perform many of the same health care activities that are performed by active duty personnel. Some Auxiliarists are willing to perform health care activities on a volunteer basis for the USCG.

Interpreter Corps Program

The US Coast Guard Auxiliary Interpreter Corps is a Division of the USCG Auxiliary International Affairs Directorate. Interpreters are members of the USCG Auxiliary and offer their linguistic skills to the US Coast Guard and other agencies of the Department of Homeland Security.

Auxiliary Chaplain Support (ACS) Program

The ACS Program supplements and supports Navy Chaplains serving with the Coast Guard by expanding Religious Ministry within the Coast Guard to better meet the needs of Coast Guard members and their families.

The Auxiliary Chaplain Support (ACS) National Flotilla, 070-06-14, was chartered to focus on the specific mission of chaplaincy.  Unlike most of our flotillas which are geographically based, this Flotilla is national.  All members who join this Flotilla are either ACS Chaplains or Auxiliarists who join because they want to fill support roles within this Flotilla that directly support the ministry of the ACS program and Coast Guard Chaplaincy. The process used to transfer into the ACS National Flotilla is the standard procedure used by Auxiliarists transferring between any two Auxiliary flotillas. 


HR Job Descriptions Banner





Emergency Management



HR Flotilla SO Appt Letters Banner


Below are Flotilla Staff Officer Appointment Letters*, and a Certificate of Staff Officer Appointment, which are for use by the Flotilla Commander. The letters will assist the appointed Flotilla Staff Officers to better understand their duties as a Flotilla Staff Officer.

CM | CS | DV | FN | HR | IS | MA | MS | MT | NS | OP | PA | PB | PE | PV | SR | VE

Certificate of Staff Officer Appointment (Word Format)
*The letters are in word format and can be tailored to reflect your flotilla and division information.