Sign In/Up with USCGAUX
Sign Up/In with USCGAUX
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This diagram is used to communicate a "welcome on board" to new members
You have received your Member ID and New Member package. You will be sworn in at the next membership meeting you attend. You are now ready to begin your initial training and participate in most Auxiliary activities. Upon completion of your PSI (Personnel Security Investigation) you receive your ID card.

                                                WELCOME ABOARD

Initial Training

Now you need to complete the next leg of your journey: which involves completing a series of online classes (Core Training, Basic Qualification Course (BQC II), Introduction to Risk Management). This earns you IQ status (Initially Qualified) and BQ status (Basically Qualified) once you complete the boating class. We strongly encourage completing these courses within 30-90 days and to using theUSCG Auxiliary Passport to keep track of your progress.  LINK TO CORE TRAINING

Record Your Hours!
At this point, it is important for you to record ALL the time you spend on Auxiliary activities, including training, uniform purchasing and care, and events. Your FSO-HR, FSO-MT, FSO-IS or your mentor will assist you with setting up your account and recording time. LINK TO MEMBERS ONLY - FORMS AND HOW TO.


The Auxiliary is part of the Coast Guard and therefore a military organization. This means that we must to conform with the standards, policies, processes, and terminology of the US Coast Guard. We also must wear the uniform of the Coast Guard Auxiliary properly and adhere to military etiquette. This is critical for working with the Active Duty Coast Guard. In order to be involved with public activities, you will be expected to acquire and wear the appropriate uniform.

Auxiliarists wear different uniforms based on the activities they are involved in. The uniform for meetings and some public events is the Tropical Blues. The Operational Duty Uniform (ODU) is worn for most operational activities. The officer in charge of the event will inform you about the Uniform of the Day. Click on the attached presentation for information about uniforms for District 7: LINK TO UNIFORM GUIDE

Your Human Resources officer or mentor will provide guidance and assistance in acquiring uniforms.

Get Involved

The more active you are within the Auxiliary, the more rewarding it will be. Since we are a volunteer organization, you will not be asked to do anything you are not willing or capable of doing. These are some of your options:
•Support a Flotilla Staff Officer (FSO) in their functional area (CS, PV, PA, PE, VE, etc.)
•Participate in flotilla activities (boating safety week, PA events, etc.)
•Begin advanced training in specialized fields (Boat Crew, Vessel Safety Checks, Aux Air, Food Services ,etc)

Grow with the Auxiliary - Find a Speciality - Get Certified 

Many of the support activities require specific skills and certifications in order to ensure safety and to maintain uniformity across all Auxiliary districts and divisions. This is your opportunity to determine your specific interests and learn how the Auxiliary handles these activities. Complete the online training for areas you would like to be involved in. See your FSO-MT (Member Training).