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‘Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.’ Stephen Hawking

Flotilla members perform patrols of local waterways to respond to boaters in distress Flotilla 8-4 Sarasota stands in a long line of dedicated volunteers as the civilian volunteer uniformed auxiliary service of the United States Coast Guard. Established in 1939 by an act of Congress as the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve, it was re-designated as the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary in 1941and works within the Coast Guard in carrying out its noncombatant and non-law enforcement missions.

The commitment of U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary is to maintain the best trained, most valued maritime volunteer organization in the world, which is highly effective during normal operations and ready for emergencies.   The goal of this section is to provide the information and tools that enable us to achieve this goal.

G.2 - Forms and How to - As a result of being the civilian arm of a military organization and the need for uniformity, there is a lot of information to learn.  This section provides a resource for learning what to do and how to do it. 

G.3 - UniformsAs members of the Auxiliary, we have the privilege of wearing USCG uniforms with distinctive Auxiliary insignia. When we are in public, those we help do not distinguish between active duty, reserve or volunteers.  It is our responsibility to understand all the components of the USCG Auxiliary.  Click on the Uniform Guide icon for the latest update on what uniforms we wear, and how to wear them properly. 

 G.4 - Vision, Mission and Objectives - Growing and enhancing our flotilla requires a shared vision with a strategic approach.  This section contains the mission, objectives and the tactical plan for continued growth and improvement of our flotilla.

G.5 - Announcements and Calendar - This section provides the common place for members to go for announcements and a calendar with the schedule and location for member events.

G.6 - New Member Onboarding Process - Our success is dependent upon attracting the right people and making it as easy as possible in bring them up to speed as quick as possible.  This section provides a step by step approach for helping our new members become a productive member of our flotilla.

G.7 - Diversity - Our flotilla is committed realizing the benefits of having a diverse membership.  This section provides our goals and approach to diversity. 


G.8 - Staff Officer Information - Our officers have accepted the additional responsibilities of ensuring our flotilla is achieving our mission and continuing growth and improvements.  This section contains the more detailed information in performing their duties. 

G.9 - Archive and Repository - This section contains the documents that demonstrates our history and is important in effectiveness in the future.