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Welcome! Thank you for visiting the website of the new U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA)  


Jack Whalen, DSO-CA

District Staff Officer - Culinary Assistance
8th Coastal Region 

  Training Opportunities  


To find more information about AUXCA and the Division 6 AUXCA Basic Course, please visit the Division 6 AUXCA Basic Course website linked below:

What is the Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program?

The Auxiliary Culinary Assistance (AUXCA) program helps Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary units enhance mission readiness, effectiveness, and execution by providing culinary support.

This support is achieved through promoting and providing culinary assistance to Coast Guard units (both on land and at sea) and to Auxiliary units, supporting the Coast Guard National Strategic Plan, and training and maintaining a high degree of proficiency to support the CG and the Auxiliary.

AUXCA Specialists are trained by certified AUXCA Instructors and/or USCG Active-Duty Culinary Specialists II and above using Coast Guard Approved AUXCA Program guides. Classroom training is followed by hands on training, with a Personnel Qualification Standard (PQS) completed within one year of training and an Annual Sanitation Course required. Additional requirements may be necessary based on the competency desired.

 What is a AUXCA Specialist?

 The Auxiliary Culinary Assistance Program (AUXCA) was established in early 2021 to broaden the application of the AUXFS Program, which provided direct support to the U.S. Coast Guard galleys both on land and at sea.

With the AUXCA Program, members can participate in culinary activities supporting their fellow shipmates on one of two levels:

 AUXCA-1 Specialist and AUXCA-2 Specialist.

These two levels have different training, currencies and mandatory participation hours, but the initial preparation and training are similar.

 National AUXCA Website Link: