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The flotilla level is the basic Auxiliary organizational unit and the working level that translates programs into action. Each flotilla is led and managed by a Flotilla Commander (FC). All Auxiliarists must be members of a flotilla. 
New members to the Auxiliary are encouraged to first acquaint themselves with the organization of the Flotilla unit, its functions and purpose, then review the different offices and qualifications that cause the unit to function.  The best source for members to learn about the Auxiliary is the Auxiliary Manual (AUXMAN).

Flotilla Leaders
Flotilla Commander
Flotilla Commander
Vice Flotilla Commander
Vice Flotilla Commander
Flotilla Staff Officer
Flotilla Staff Officer

Position Descriptions

Flotilla Commander & Vice Flotilla Commander
Elected Positions

Flotilla Commander
A basic administration class designed for elected Auxiliary Flotilla officers and prior service as a Flotilla Vice Commander. FC are required to be qualified or certified in one of the 3 cornerstones of the Auxiliary: Member Services, Recreational Boating Safety, or Coast Guard Support. A Flotilla Commander is elected by its Flotilla membership each year after Division elections.
The Flotilla Procedures manual COMDTINST M16791.5, the Auxiliary Member manual COMDTINST M167XXX will be the primary publications and resources of information. The Flotilla Commander (FC) provides primary leadership and supervision to the flotilla. The FC is responsible to assure that the overall Flotilla program conforms to the Coast Guard and Auxiliary Policies and procedures, as well as provide the communications link with Division elected officers.
Vice Commander

A basic administration class designed for elected Auxiliary Flotilla officers would be a good start. A Flotilla Vice Commander (FVC) has the primary responsibility for administration and coordination of the flotilla staff and is essentially the Chief of Staff for the flotilla. A FVC is also an elected office.

Each year, upon the election of the FC and FVC, the FC will appoint Flotilla Staff Officers (FSO) for each of the following internal functions: CS, FN, HR, IS, MA, MT,  PA, PB, and SR. In addition, a Flotilla Staff Officer is to be appointed for at least one external programs in Recreational Boating Safety or Coast Guard Support:  CM, NS, OP, PE, PV and VE. Each flotilla should be involved in at least one external program.

Staff Officer
Appointed Position


Presently, there is no program in the region for a radio watchstander but individuals interested in this area may want to take the AUXCOM Specialty Course and get involved in the Boat Crew Operational Support program. There are ample opportunities for a Communications officer to participate in with Operations like safety patrols, during boat races, regattas, and other marine events. The FSO-CM will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to flotilla communications and keep all members informed of all developments in this area. This officer will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Communications (SO-CM) and will work closely with both flotilla and division operations officers and members providing communications facility and/or operational facility support and training.

The FSO-CM will ensure that every activation of an Auxiliary Radio Facility is under Coast Guard orders and will inspect all flotilla land and land mobile radio facilities is qualified as a Communications Specialist. Other general duties of the FSO-CM include, but are not limited to, submission of articles to Auxiliary publications to keep members updated on new developments, to encourage member use of radio facilities and participation in communication drills, participate in any required Auxiliary operations seminars, maintaining an updated list of Communications Specialists, and working closely with USCG radio stations toward provision of qualified Auxiliarists for possible communications watchstanding opportunities, telephone watches, etc. The FSO-CM will maintain and publish an up-to-date emergency telephone "calling tree" for member alerting both land line and available OPFAC and land mobile radio facility call signs. Other duties outlined in the Auxiliary Member Manual, Flotilla Procedures Manual, and the Auxiliary Operations Policy Manual COMDINST M16798.3 should also be followed. The FSO-CM's career will be further enhanced by completing the AUXCOM Specialty Course training and becoming a Communications Specialist.


The FSO-CS is essentially the flotilla's webmaster and the organization's web watcher who exercises staff responsibility and supervision over electronic communication services. This officer will create and maintain Flotilla website that is in full compliance with Auxiliary web policies and will maintain personal e-mail and Internet access. The officer will foster an interest in electronic communication among the members and will encourage and facilitate the use of electronic communication throughout the Flotilla. He or she will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Communication Services (SO-CS) and will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-PB and FSO-PA to ensure that both electronic and print media are used to their fullest extent in providing information to the Auxiliary membership and to the boating public.

The FSO-CS will keep a regular Internet vigil as web watcher all Auxiliary E-mail NETS and the Auxiliary National Website (CGAUXWEB) for important information to disseminate to members in a timely manner. The officer will attend flotilla meetings and report on official information obtained from the web to members who do not have access to electronic media. Other duties outlined in the Auxiliary Member Manual and Flotilla Procedures Manual should also be followed. In addition, due to the dynamic nature of the electronic communications industry, the future AOR of this office may experience changes requiring the officer to be flexible with regard to those changes which may be passed on down through the chain of leadership.

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Finance will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all Flotilla financial matters and keep the organization informed of all developments and changes. The FSO-FN will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Finance (SO-FN), keep complete and understandable records of all receipts, disbursements, and other financial transactions.

This officer has the responsibility to prepare an annual budget for review and approval of the flotilla and will render financial reports at flotilla meetings. He or she will maintain a balanced checkbook and/ or savings account, will make payment on all approved invoices and all financial matters in accordance with the Standing Rules. The FSO-FN will encourage prompt payment of membership dues to the Flotilla, will make payment of Division dues and other authorized obligations approved by the FC, flotilla quorum, and as permitted under the Standing Rules. There are no formal prerequisites or training for this office but a general understanding of financial matters, economics, banking, checkbook balancing, and financial reports would a plus. Other duties outlined in the Auxiliary Member Manual, the Flotilla Procedures Manual, and Standing Rules should also be followed.

Human Resources

A Flotilla Staff Officer of Human Resources will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Flotilla's member resources program and keep the Flotilla informed of all developments in this AOR (Area of Responsibility). This officer will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Human Resources () in order to implement the members resources program uniformly throughout the Division, District, and Nationally. He or she will develop, plan and implement programs and activities to promote the growth of the Auxiliary by obtaining new members and providing new members with information.

The  should consider developing biographical files of all members in the Flotilla and maintain any appropriate records, training, merits, offices held, etc. on each member. Likewise, the officer will develop and implement programs and activities designed to retain members who may be drifting into inactivity by failing to attend meetings, who fall below their certification quotas in OP, VE or PE, or are not participating in other Flotilla activities and programs. This officer will attempt to meet with each member and brief the FC on the outcome prior to any disenrollment action of any member. In cooperation with the FSO-PE, FSO-VE and the FSO-PA, he or she will make an effort to promote membership in the Auxiliary by public speaking, providing handouts and literature, and following up on all leads of prospective members. Working in cooperation and conjunction with the FSO-MT, the officer will encourage and guide the new member through the new member process, assist them ordering uniforms, materials, etc. and prepare them for any training in areas of interest to the new Auxiliarist.

The  will take an active role in the planning and execution of seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions. The officer should maintain contact with retired Auxiliary members and be certain the receive newsletters and are invited to functions and fellowship activities, will report monthly to the FVC and will provide a report at Flotilla meetings on all AORs. The goal of adding one new prospective member each month is recommended and name and addresses of these individuals should be provided to the FSO-SR to keep the prospects up-to-date.

Information Systems

The FSO-IS will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the collection, recording, and forwarding of the Flotilla's AUXDATA data for each member and will keep all members informed of all developments and changes in this area. This officer will maintain close liaison with Division Staff Officer of Information Systems (SO-IS) and will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-PE, FSO-VE, FSO-OP, FSO-MT and the  so that they are kept advised of the progress in each of their Area of Responsibilities (AORs).

This officer will gain extensive knowledge of the AUXDATA system by reading the Member AUXDATA Users Guide COMDINST M16790.2, its various reporting forms, DirectorGram, and the Auxiliary's National Web Site for updates and changes to the AUXDATA reporting system. The FSO-IS will collect, review and ensure correctness of all members' AUXDATA reports prior to submission to the SO-IS for processing and submission to the Director of the Auxiliary, will retain a yearly of processed data forms, conduct training sessions on AUXDATA reporting procedures, and will prepare a regular report of AUXDATA member activity to all members.

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Materials will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over the procurement of materials including stationary, forms, manuals, texts, U.S. Government postage, and Public Education (PE) course material for distribution to Flotilla officers and members and will keep all members informed of developments in this area. The FSO-MA will keep close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Materials (SO-MA) and will coordinate and cooperate with all staff officers in order to keep them supplied with the items necessary for the performance of their duties.

He or she will maintain and disseminate, as required, listings on supplies and prices thereof, sources available, and information on procurement. The FSO-MA will advise all members of any changes or updates to all publications and forms, and will order material from the Auxiliary National Supply Center (ANSC) as required. This officer will work closely with the FSO-FN for any advanced payment of orders for PE course material from ANSC.

Marine Safety

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Marine Safety and Environmental Protection requires an individual to be highly-visible and well-diverse when it comes to developing and fostering relationships with other staff officers, the Division, District, and the local USCG unit office. The FSO-MS will exercise responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Flotilla's role in the Auxiliary Marine Safety and Environmental Protection activities and will keep the entire Flotilla and division informed of all developments in this area.

The individual will maintain close liaison with staff officers on both Division and District levels and will coordinate and cooperate with flotilla staff officers from every area to encourage appropriate outreach, training, and implementation of MS/MEP activities. Any and all materials, training aids and training tools will be forwarded to the SO-MS, other Flotilla staff officers, and members relating to any MS/MEP activities. The FSO-MS will attend Flotilla meetings and Division Board and Division Staff meetings when requested. This officer will provide assistance and support to environmental outreach programs, USCG MS/MEP missions, formulate emergency planning and response teams, create develop and participate in MS/MEP activities with other agencies, promote participation of MS/MEP activities to other members, and establish goals and objectives and prepare necessary plans to achieve them. He or she will submit regular and timely, written reports directly to the FC with copies to the FVC and SO-MS.

Member Training

The FSO-MT will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Flotilla member training program and keep all members updated on new developments. This officer will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Member Training (SO-MT), the District Staff Officer of Member Training (DSO-MT) and will coordinate and cooperate with FSO-VE, FSO-PE and the FSO-OP regarding any and all member training in these areas. He or she will foster and promote member interest in Specialty Courses offered and all member training opportunities within the Flotilla and Division. For new members, the FSO-MT will oversee the members receive the New Member Training Course, Auxiliary Member Manual (AUXMAN) and will conduct and coordinate training sessions on instructor, vessel examination, boat crew, Specialty Course training, and informal training activities.

The FSO-MT will report to the FVC on a monthly basis, ensure all member training forms are correctly and promptly completed and forwarded, and will retain custody of any training aids, equipment, audio-visual material, manuals, and other member training aids. In coordination and cooperation with the FSO-PE and the FSO-VE, he or she will establish individual training programs and schedules for Flotilla members with each session to include a minimum of two sessions with each session at least 2 hours in duration and would review 3 lessons in the Student Workbook for IT and VE candidates. The prospective IT candidate should serve as an instructor's aid in at least three PE classes and teach a three hour class before a qualified instructor.

The FSO-MT will coordinate, cooperate and formulate a schedule with the FSO-OP for member training of the Boat Crew operation program (crew and coxswain). Candidates must be trained and then examined by a Qualified Examiner (QE) before receiving certification. The FSO-MT will develop a Specialty Course training program keyed to the needs of the individual Flotilla member with a goal of each member to complete two Specialty Courses each year. This officer will also be responsible for administering the Air Operations Training Course for members interested in participating in Auxiliary aviation as a Pilot or Air Observer. In some regions, Air Operations training program may not be available on the Flotilla or Division level but possibly on the District level.


Practical and classroom training leading to qualification as an Navigation Services verifier and qualification as a Staff Officer of Navigation Services. The primary responsibility of this officer position is to conduct chart updating patrols, verification of private aids to navigation, and the prompt reporting of discrepancies in ATONS (Aids to Navigation) and to inform flotilla members of all developments.

The FSO-NS will also maintain close liaison with Division Staff Officer of Navigation Services (SO-NS). This officer should also establish and maintain close contacts with the local USCG unit for the purpose of establishing and maintaining Auxiliary ATON patrols and rendering assistance to USCG for emergency ATON servicing. This officer must cooperate with other agencies in chart updating, submit special investigation reports, participate in any required Auxiliary operations seminars, develop and supervise training programs for other ATON verifiers, and other duties as outlined in the Auxiliary Member Manual and Flotilla Procedures Manual.


The FSO-OP will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all Flotilla operations programs which include search and rescue (SAR), safety patrols, air patrols, boat races/regattas and marine event patrols, and will keep all members informed of developments in this area. This officer must maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Operations (SO-OP) since all patrol orders must be received therefrom and will have close contacts with all operational facility (OPFAC) owning members to encourage operational activity and maintenance of uniformity and high standards.

The FSO-OP is responsible for ensuring that all Flotilla operations are performed under Coast Guard reimbursable and non-reimbursable patrol orders and that each copy of the schedule of patrols is provided to the SO-OP. This officer will encourage and assist with all training and qualification of members in the operations program, encourage participation in search and rescue training, safety patrols, regatta patrols, chart updating patrols, and other Auxiliary operational programs. This individual will report monthly to the FVC about operations activities and progress. The officer will cooperate and coordinate with FSO-CM, FSO-MT, FSO-VE, and other officers in the planning, execution of seminars, workshops, training sessions, briefings, communications, and inspection of OPFACS. A comprehensive list of members trained as crew and coxswain will be maintained, report regularly on all patrols, and coordinate with FSO-MT and FSO-NS for qualified crew members to serve on patrols to remain certified and conduct aids to navigation verification patrols.

Public Affairs

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Public Affairs will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all Auxiliary public affairs and public information matters within the Flotilla and keep members informed of all developments in this area. This officer will work in cooperation with the Division Staff Officer of Public Affairs (SO-PA) and will establish effective working relationships with members of the print media and broadcast media to facilitate coverage of Flotilla activities and missions.

This officer will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-PE, FSO-VE, and FSO-PB in promoting, advertising, and communicating to the media the activities of these areas and in promoting the best possible public image of the Auxiliary in the Flotilla and Division. The FSO-PA will also originate articles for Flotilla, Division, District and National newsletters and publications, will develop and direct an organized program of activities to obtain Auxiliary publicity, and will assist other officers with the preparation and distribution of advertising and promotional material on Public Education courses and Vessel Safety Checks. Additionally, the FSO-PA will cooperate with the FSO-PB in obtaining action photos of Flotilla activity for publication and for entering Auxiliary photo contests. This individual will maintain close liaison with the SO-PA to ensure an effective and coordinated program within the Division and will assist or take part in planning and conducting seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions.


The FSO-PB is the editor of the Flotilla newsletter who will maintain close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Publications to ensure a prompt flow of suitable articles and information of interest to the readership within the Flotilla, Division and District. This officer will develop and maintain a library file of photographs of Flotilla activities, will encourage Flotilla members to contribute articles of interest for the newsletter.

This individual has the duty of assisting in the preparation, Director's clearance and publication of unit publications and will promptly submit articles for publication. He or she will cooperate and coordinate with the FSO-PA in obtaining action photos of Flotilla activity for publication, will report monthly to the FVC on activities and progress in this area, and will maintain a file of all unit newsletters published and/or articles submitted to other publications. The FSO-PB will mail Flotilla and Division newsletters to all Flotilla members, retired members, Director of the Auxiliary, DCO, D-COS, D-CAPT, DSO-PB, ADSO-PB, DCDR, DVCDR, SO-PB and all FCs in the Division.

Public Education

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Public Education will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Auxiliary's public education program, on the Flotilla level, including the scheduling, organization and conduct of Flotilla boating safety courses and activities. This officer will maintain a close relationship with the Division Staff Officer of Public Education (SO-PE) in order to implement the public education programs established for nation-wide, district-wide, and division-wide use.

The FSO-PE will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-MT on training instructors, the FSO-PA in publicizing and promoting all boating safety and Auxiliary public education courses to the media, with the FSO-PS in promoting Auxiliary membership to students in the classes, and the FSO-MT in organizing workshops, training of instructors, and in instructor improvement workshops. This individual will forward to the SO-PE such methods, training aids, course materials, and other educational tools developed within the Flotilla that may have Division-wide application.

He or she will report directly to the FVC on all progress, development and PE activities, will supervise PE class assistants, keep updated with Auxiliary course content, instructional requirements and course updates, and ensure that all forms relating to this AOR are correctly completed and forwarded. The FSO-PE will also coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-FN so that a sufficient supply of text books for each course taught by the Flotilla are in stock with the FSO-MT. Lastly, the FSO-PE has the duty of maintaining an up-to-date inventory and custody list of all Coast Guard and Flotilla-owned real property used in conjunction with the public education program (e.g. video tape players, slide projectors, and other audio-visual aids, video tapes, discs, slides, etc.).

Program Visitor

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Program Visitors will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program matters, will maintain close liaison with the Division Officer of the Program Visitor program (SO-PV), and will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-MT to encourage and increase the number of qualified program visitors. This officer will make and maintain close contact with local community Partners, current records of visitations, plan and perform workshops, member PV training, and ensure that all forms for PV are correctly completed and promptly forwarded.

The FSO-PV reports monthly to the FVC, checks periodically that all qualified program visitors conduct their annual required recreational boating safety visits of four (4) per visitor, and that each PV does not lose their qualification status as a result. He or she will formulate and execute a plan to ensure all community Partners are covered, that they receive an updated schedule of PE courses and VSC stations in their area. Partners should receive handouts on these PE and VE programs and any USCG provided materials.


The FSO-SR is directly responsible for the recording and publication of the minutes of Flotilla meetings, maintains a current record of Flotilla members, officers, committee assignments and other such appointments made by the FC. This officer will maintain a current list of Division officers, will attend all unit meetings, and will maintain a close liaison with the Division Staff Officer Secretary/Records. Additionally, any other pertinent Flotilla records should also be administered and supervised by this officer.

He or she will keep a current record of all Flotilla members, will cooperate and coordinate with the FSO-IS to ensure all member's AUXDATA records are correct, will keep a copy of the Division and Flotilla Standing Rules and other administrative records. He or she will conduct a ballot by mail when so directed, submit articles to the unit publication, and take an active part in the planning and execution of seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions in the officer's Area of Responsibility (AOR). The FSO-SR will report monthly to the FVC, provide copies of meeting minutes to both FC and FVC, and is responsible for mailing notices to members concerning meetings and meeting agendas.

Vessel Examiner

The Flotilla Staff Officer of Vessel Examinations is a very important position for the Flotilla. This officer will exercise staff responsibility and supervision over all matters pertaining to the Flotilla's Vessel Safety Check program, the inspection of Auxiliary OPFACs, and to keep the members informed of all developments in this AOR. The officer will maintain very close liaison with the Division Staff Officer of Vessel Examinations as well as the District Staff Officer or Assistant District Staff Officer of Vessel Examinations to implement the VSC program established uniformly for the Division, District and National.

The FSO-VE will coordinate and cooperate with the FSO-PA on promoting and publicizing all VSC activities, with the FSO-MT to encourage, increase and train new vessel examiners, with the FSO-OP to organize the annual inspection of all OPFACs, and the FSO-IS to be certain no vessel examiner falls below their annual VSC quota for maintaining their certification status. He or she will maintain current records of all facility inspections, VSCs, decal distribution and will do the utmost to ensure the quality and integrity of all such VSCs and inspections. Additionally, the officer is responsible for ensuring that all reports are correctly completed and forwarded, will report monthly to the FVC, keep an accounting of all VSC decals, and take an active part in the planning and execution of seminars, workshops, forums, and panel discussions in the officer's AOR. The officer will make every effort to routinely conduct VSC stations each weekend at area marinas and boat ramps and provide a written report to the FVC and SO-PE as to each VSC station, location, time and date and number of VSCs conducted at each station.