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For newly elected officers and appointed staff officers at Flotilla level, the assumption of duties and responsibilities of office can be confusing and frustrating. There are new responsibilities to master, new people to know and encourage, new geography to learn. There are new opportunities to serve the Auxiliary and advance its purposes.

The Flotilla Procedure Guide is intended to provide guidance to Flotilla officers and make their transition to office easier and more effective. Officers should use this guide for answering the administrative and leadership questions related to management at the Flotilla level of Auxiliary organization. The contents should help with the “What do I do?” and “How do I do it?” questions confronting the new Flotilla officer.

Newly-elected Flotilla officers normally develop their own leadership styles. They should remember, though, that they haven’t inherited ownership of the Flotilla. Rather, they are stewards, entrusted by their fellow members with the responsibility of leadership for a brief time, two years at most. People join the Auxiliary because they are eager to serve, and don’t need to be driven to their tasks. They flourish and succeed when their leaders work to identify and remove the obstacles in their paths, and when they are given assignments well aligned with their own talents and preferences. The Auxiliary never prospers when its leaders try to pound square pegs into round holes.

The Flotilla Procedure Guide is intended to assist Flotilla officers in the smooth, efficient, and effective administration of their duties. By helping with the myriad procedural details, it will free the Flotilla leadership to effectively anticipate and meet the challenges facing tomorrow’s Auxiliary.

Click here to download the link to the Flotilla Procedures Guide 2023