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These awards recognize outstanding service or performance in our Flotilla. These annual awards are given out by our Awards Committee. All of these awards are equally important to us in Flotilla 61. They appear in no particular order.

Boat Crew Program

Dale immerman

The Charles B Hansen Coxswain Award recognizes the most active Coxswain in the flotilla in all categories. This year it was awarded to Dale Zimmerman, for 137 hours of dedicated service!

The Binnacle Bob Patrol Award recognizes the most active Coxswain on their own vessel (Coxswains serve on a number of different vessels!). This year it was also awarded to Dale Zimmerman for 137 hours of dedicated service!

 Binnacle Bob Coxswain Award
 Chuck The Myron Plum Memorial Trophy recognizes the Most Active Crew Member in Boat Crew. This year it was awarded to Chuck Hutchings for 87 hours of dedicated service!

Public Education and Member Training

The Bernerd Granich Scholar Award recognizes the Most Active Instructor in Public Education and Member Training. This year it was awarded to Sue Hutchings for 56 hours of dedicated service!

 Bernerd Granich PE Award


 Charles Moore Support Award The Charles Moore Support Award recognizes the most significant support of Public Education, Member Training and Public Affairs. This year it was also awarded to Chuck Hutchings for 56 hours of dedicated service!

Program Visitor Program

The Paterson C Wurthman Award recognizes the Most Active Program Visitor. (Award to be presented in 2023).
Paterson Wurthman PV Award

Vessel Safety Examination Program

John Doogan VE Award The John Doogan Courtesy Examiner's Award, formerly known as the Doc Hotkins Award, this award recognizes the greatest number of Courtesy Marine Examinations (aka Vessel Exams,Vessel Safety Checks). Award to be be presented in 2023.
The Jack McManus VE Program Award recognizes Outstanding Contribution to the Vessel Examiner Program. (Award to be presented in 2023).
Jack McManus VE Award

Flotilla Administration And Support

Doc Hotkins VE Award The Fred Sendra Excellence in Flotilla Administration Award is formerly known as the Emma Hotkins Award, and recognizes Excellence in Flotilla Administration. This year it was awarded to Mike O'Connell for his dedication in supporting new and current members!
The Larry & Susi Smith Award recognizes a member's Outstanding Contribution in a Support Role. This year it was awarded to Paul Heller for his many hours of flotilla support!
Smith Outstanding Contribution Awardpaul
Barbara Gullo Achievement Awardsharon The Barbara Gullo Outstanding Achievement Award is formerly known as the Lee Curtis Award and recognizes Outstanding Achievement in or Contribution To the Flotilla. This year it was awarded to Sharon Delury for her hard work and dedication to her Staff Officer position.

Special Support to the Flotilla and Its Members

The Howard Phillips Support Award is new this year in 2019 and recognizes the Most Supportive Family Member, family or friends of a member who are not themselves a member of the Auxiliary. This year it was awarded to DeeDee Zimmermann, wife of Dale Zimmermann.
Howard Phillips Family Award
gordy The Tom Sperandeo Award recognizes the Most Significant Impact on Homeland Security. This year it was awarded to Gordon West for his many hours in support of U.S. Coast Guard activities.

Flotilla Special Recognition

The Flotilla Commander's Award is the most prestigious award. It recognizes the "MVP" in the Flotilla and is awarded at the Flotilla Commander's sole discretion. This year it was awarded to Mark Hilstad for his many hours of dedication & support for Flotilla 6-1