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Indefinite Opportunity for Auxiliarists to help FEMA


FEMA needs auxiliarists to help with geospatial damage assessments remotely when there is a natural disaster. They will provide training and just need folks willing to learn how to do it and then execute in response to an emergency. 

This request has been approved by CG-OEM, DIR-Q, and Commodore Saunders.

 All Interested must make notice to BSX by way of COLM

Additional info about this request:

  • ALAC access is not required or necessary. Auxiliarists can use any computer for this mission like their personal computers. Auxiliarists will need ARCGIS/Sextant access, which FEMA will provide along with CG-6 to get usernames and passwords established once a roster is finalized.
  • The duration of need depends on the natural disaster and its effects. It is on an event-by-event basis. FEMA will request Auxiliary support for major disasters usually a category 3 or higher hurricane, major wildfires, tornadoes, etc. Ex: Hurricane Milton and Helene and the recent LA wildfires have put strain on the FEMA workforce to complete preliminary damage assessments in a timely manner. These GIS assessments inform senior leaders of the scale and scope of the disaster to make timely and appropriate resource decisions.
  • This is a voluntary mission and the hours during it can be flexible/adaptable. FEMA prefers at least 2-3 hours of uninterrupted time a day spent conducting assessments. It is fully remote.
  • Basic computer skills are necessary. FEMA will provide virtual training on how to use the GIS program and how to conduct GIS damage assessments.
  • Mr. Hanlon, as the DIR-Q is working closely with the USCG FEMA liaisons and with Commodore Saunders, who also designated Anthony Marzano ANACO-d as Mr. Hanlon’s immediate supervisor. Mr. Hanlon would like to see a whole cadre of auxiliary members willing to volunteer for this mission tasking.
  • I attached a word doc that our USCG FEMA liaison sent me for even more amplifying info.


Geospatial Damage Assessments

FEMA and U.S. Coast Guard Collaboration


BLUF: Propose FEMA and the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will partner to exploit all available imagery to rapidly understand disaster impacts. The resulting data will be available for response and recovery organizations to use in their own workflows and processes.

Mission Overview

In the aftermath of large-scale incidents, trained analysts use the Geospatial Damage Assessment (GDA) application, developed, and managed by FEMA’s Response Geospatial Office (RGO), to compare pre- and post-incident aerial imagery and indicate damages at the individual structure level.

The GDA analysis provides information about size, scope, impacts, and extent of the disaster so Response leadership can make critical decisions such as the deployment of resources and prioritization of critical services. Furthermore, when appropriate, FEMA’s Recovery Office use the data to inform Preliminary Damage Assessments, requests for expedited Major Disaster Declarations, and to facilitate expedited assistance.


During large scale incidents, the amount of imagery and the short exploitation delivery timeframe can overwhelm existing FEMA resources. To meet these expectations, the mission requires many pre-trained analysts who can devote large allotments of time, and who are ready to assist in a moment’s notice.

Training Requirements

Analysts conduct GDAs by reviewing pre- and post-incident imagery and then assigning damage classifications (no visible damage, affected, major, minor, and destroyed) to each structure in the imagery. Once imagery is available, the RGO will populate the area of interest and the imagery into the online GDA application so that analysts can begin their work.

New analysts must participate in training to learn all aspects of the process. The training involves three modules outlined below, and a practical knowledge test in which the new analyst must place accurate damage points using the online GDA application. The training takes approximately three hours and is available to everyone via an online training portal.

Training and Access

Anyone interested in assisting must first activate an ArcGIS Online Account and register. NOTE: No GIS experience or prior knowledge is required.

      AGOL Accounts.

  1.   If USCG Auxiliary members do not already have a USCG AGOL account, they must request a USCG AGOL account from CG-6. Send account creation request email 

To: Mr. Dan Blackman ([email protected]) or Mr. Michael Nasitka ([email protected]).

2.  Register for the training on this site:

Geospatial Damage Assessments | FEMA Geospatial Resource Center (

3.     Once registered, you will be able to access the training page and complete the modules described below.


1.     Geospatial Damage Assessment Guidelines:

This module provides specific guidance regarding Geospatial Damage Assessments based on the visual damage observed from imagery (e.g., aerial, satellite, ground) of structures in areas affected by disasters (tornado, hurricane, flood, volcano).

2.    USA Structures:

In this module, the analyst will learn about the baseline data that the RGO uses to identify a structure’s occupancy. They will also learn how to change the occupancy type when it is incorrect.

3.    Learn the Application:

This module outlines the functionality of the application and describes in detail how to use the tool.

Practice your skills in the “Sandbox.”

This tool mimics the live application and allows you to practice in a no-fail environment.

Knowledge Test

Once users complete the three training modules, they will receive an email to complete a practical exercise to test their skills.

Deployment Process

When requesting a deployment of USCG Auxiliary personnel, FEMA will do the following:

1.   Request an activation of pre-trained Auxiliary team members via an email to the Director and Deputy Director of the appointed directorate. The Directorate will then ensure that a current Assignment to Duty (ATD) is signed and on file for the Auxiliarist who is remotely participating in the response.

a.     FEMA prefers that the USCG Auxiliary provide a single point of contact or lead who can coordinate individual Auxiliary member activations and track their readiness and availability.

2.   Indicate the mission scope: incident name and location, number of requested personnel and the expected length of the deployment.

3.  Indicate the FEMA points of contact, reporting procedures and a daily operations plan that will include key information such as the battle rhythm.

4.   Provide an Administrative Guide that will include all instructions.

Mission Execution

During the Mission Execution phase of the deployment, volunteers will be working within the live production environment of the GDA assessment tool. They will work under the direction of a GDA Team Leader who will provide day to day direction during the assignment.

Administrative Requirements

The USCG Auxiliary leadership is responsible for tracking volunteer participation, providing awards for stellar service, and tracking performance (through an ICS-225).

·       Volunteers should commit to a minimum 2–3-hour uninterrupted time blocks each day to ensure consistency.

·       Volunteers will not work in the GDA application without explicit instructions regarding daily priorities, therefore, volunteers must attend daily 0830 (Eastern Time) briefings, and when this is not possible, ensure they obtain instructions from their team lead.

·       Anyone not performing to expectations will be asked to demobilize.

Equipment Requirements

To fully participate in GDA activities, Auxiliary members must possess: a working computer; a computer mouse; internet access; web browsers installed on their machines including Chrome, Edge or Safari; access to Esri ArcGIS Online; and access to Microsoft Teams.

Volunteers are not permitted to perform GDA activities in public places e.g., coffee shops, parks, etc. or utilizing public “open” Wi-Fi internet connections.


Points of Contact


During your entire deployment with this GDA activity your Administrative POC can be reached by emailing [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected].


CGAUX –Dr. Sean Steadman ([email protected])

CG AGOL - Dan Blackman ([email protected]) and Michael Nasitka ([email protected]).