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General Questions
Q) What is the name of the new system - are we calling it Salesforce?
A) The new system is called AUXDATA II. Salesforce is the name of the commercial application upon which the new system is built.
Q) What browsers are compatible with AUXDATA II?
A) The browser of choice is CHROME, but it will work with EDGE, FIREFOX, and SAFARI. Internet Explorer will not be supported after 31 December 2020.
Q) I don't have a computer, or I don't have good internet. How do I submit hours, offer for use, etc.?
A) Utilize the existing forms and submit them to your FSO-IS for data entry.
Q) When will I get my login?
A) If you do not yet have an account, send a request to cgaux-helpdesk.
Q) Will my log in be the same as for WOW sites?
A) No, it will be a separate login name in the form of your MemberID@uscg.aux and a password you select. Two-factor authentication will be required.
Q) Will AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer be maintained after the new system is operational?
A) AuxDirectory/AuxOfficer will be maintained for the foreseeable future.
Passwords and Authentication
Q) How do I create my password?
A) You will get specific instructions and a website to go to for creating your password when you are assigned your username.
Q) What is this about two-factor authentication also being required?
A) Yes, AUXDATA II requires both a password and an authentication passcode. This "two-factor authentication" requirement is to comply with CG policy to protect the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of our members.
Q) How do I get the authentication code?
A) A new one-time authentication code will be sent to you, either by text message or email, every time you log on. You'll enter your AUXDATA II user name (memberid@uscg.aux), your password, and then you'll get a message saying that a code has been sent to you and requiring you to enter the code.
Q) Can I get a permanent authentication code?
A) No
Q) How do I reset my password if I forget it?
A) There will be a forgotten password link on the login screen. When you click on that you will receive an email link to reset your password. Note that the password reset email does "time out", so once you submit the reset request, look for the email.
Training and Qualifications
Q) Where can I get training? How do I get answers to questions not answered in my training?
A) The AUXDATA II Training Resources page has links to short training videos in selected topics, as well as links to PowerPoint slides, user guides, and recorded webinar sessions. If you still have questions, contact your IS Officer.
Q) When will online courses and tests appear in AUXDATA II? AuxDirectory?
A) NTC exams appear in AuxDirectory almost immediately. NTC exams and Auxiliary Online Classroom course completions are posted to AUXDATA II once a week on Mondays.
Q) Do we need to do an End of Course entry for each, if not, how are classes counted?
A) You do an End of Course exactly the way it is done now. You do only one, and you do it at the end of the course.
Q) Do I get any type of notification when my qualifications are near going into REYR or REWK?
A) No, due to Salesforce email limitations, individual members will not receive email notifications when they are going into REWK or REYR.
Activity Reporting
Q) How do I submit my hours before I get my login?
A) Utilize the existing forms and submit them to your FSO-IS for data entry.
Q) Who can approve activity logs? If the FSO-IS assigned does not or cannot approve the activity logs, can the SO-IS or DSO-IS approve them, or only the person initially linked to the record?
A) If the FSO does not have approval permission, it will go to the SO after review by the FSO.
Q) What happens if a flotilla has no FSO-IS?
A) The SO-IS will take care of the data entry and approval.
Q) How often should I submit my 7029 hours?
A) Ask your IS Officer if your District has a policy for how often to submit your 7029 form.
Q) Can I keep sending my hours to my IS officer for entry or am I required to do it myself?
A) Absolutely. If you prefer to send your hours to your IS officer for entry, you can continue to do so.
Q) Are mission codes used?
A) Yes, each member will need to enter the correct mission codes. This is where the SO-IS or FSO-IS review for approval will be important. We will need continual training with our members.
Q) How do I figure out which mission code to use for my activity?
A) The activity log in AUXDATA II has a link to the mission codes and descriptions. When in doubt, ask your IS officer.
Q) Is mission start time required?
A) Members will need to enter the start time and time duration in hours.
Q) How do I track specific operations such as Coastie use?
A) There is now an Operations Code dropdown on the Activity Log for tracking Coastie, Food Services, Hurricane Response, etc.
Q) Can I delete activities or edit them if they are submitted incorrectly?
A) You can recall a Activity Log if it has been submitted but not yet approved. Once it is recalled, you can edit the Activity Log and resubmit it. Only an IS officer with Activity Log approval can delete or edit an approved Activity Log.
Q) Can you delete an Activity Log once it has been approved?
A) You can recall an activity log and once recalled, it becomes “open” or draft again, at which point you can delete it. A future update will allow the IS Officers with Activity Log approval to delete an Activity Log after it is approved.
Q) My IS officer isn't approving my hours. What can I do to get them approved?
A) If your IS Officer hasn't been able to communicate the reason for the delay, then contact your Flotilla Commander for resolution.
Facilities and Patrol Orders
Q) Previously in AOM, only standard underway time was recorded and adjustments were put into comments box. Will this be the same?
A) The new AUXDATA II system allows you to enter each specific segment with those crew members who participated in each segment.
Q) Will the system be checking crew qualifications?
A) The new AUXDATA II system has the ability to check coxswain/aircraft commander qualification as well as crew qualification. We will need to rely on the Coxswain to check on crew qualification prior to patrol. We don't want to risk that the patrol will not be reimbursed.
Q) Will members receive emails from the system?
A) Yes, in certain tasks, the member will get emails from the system; i.e., when a facility inspection is needed and the facility owner requests an inspection from a particular VE. That request will be sent to the selected VE.
Q) Are we going to be able to update information on our OPFAC examination such as Owners/Operators, or will that information be locked?
A) You will be able to update this information yourself. Some updates, such as replaced engines, or added equipment, such as radar, may trigger a need for a new OPFAC exam.
Q) Who gets our OPFAC examination submission at DIRAUX?
A) This is district dependent. In some districts it goes to the OTO, in others to a yeoman, and yet others have an Auxiliarist who takes care of those entries.
Q) Why can't I edit reports that I have saved?
A) Reports are tied to cookies and sessions. Users who have this issue should periodically clear their cache, clear cookies, and ensure they have the most up to date version of their browser.
Q) Where do we update the Unit Officer?
A) Unit Officer is updated in the Member Record (Related tab).
Q) Normally we were to hold records for 3 years - do we still have to do that?
A) The new AUXDATA II system will be backed up daily, so there is no reason to hold records.