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Purpose of Everbridge in the Auxiliary
Everbridge (EB) is a cloud-based SaaS (software as a service) platform that enables users to send notifications to individuals, groups, lists, and geographic locations. The primary use of EB in the AUX is for member accountability post-incident. Members can respond to the notification via phone, cell phone, text message, or email.Each District has the flexibility to use EB for other communications based on their need. This may include meeting notifications, requests for staff or facilities, or other communications deemed appropriate by the DCO.
Operating Capabilities
EB is a robust SaaS platform with multiple data centers strategically located world-wide. The system has full active-active failover capability so that if one data center is impacted by an outage the system will automatically failover to another center in real time thus ensuring 100% availability to the user. Notifications can be launched from a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.
EB is in use by the DoD, DHS, and government agencies at the federal, State, local, and international levels. The EB security protocols are fully vetted by DoD and DHS. The system is capable of sending notifications via email, landline or mobile device. The system automatically pings the recipient via devices selected by the sender until the recipient responds. Pre-scripted message templates can be stored in the system to speed notifications during a
critical incident. When to Use the System
The primary use of EB is for member accountability post-incident. DCOs have the flexibility to use the system as their unique District needs might require. Additionally, we recommend that in areas prone to hurricanes that pre-landfall messages be sent to members keeping them abreast of the evolving threat.
Restrictions – What Not to Do
The ability to send messages should be limited to the EXCOM, ASC, DSO-IM, Division Commanders, and District Captains, or other senior leaders at the District level. It is recommended that drills and tests be announced in advance. There is no operational reason for a no notice drill in the context of AUX use of EB. No notice drills often cause confusion amongst our members.
Reports from each notification broadcast are requested by the originator of the broadcast. These reports are fully customizable by the user. In addition, EB has a library of preconfigured reports. EB also has a reports dashboard that provides the following information about each broadcast: Notification Summary: Shows type of notification, time of broadcast, list of members who have responded and time of response, list of members who have not responded, and other relevant broadcast information. Event Analysis: A graphical depiction of the above. Call Results Summary: 1. Connected and on what device, 2. Not connected. Attempted, no answer, busy, out of service, invalid number, 3. Confirmed and on what device, 4. Not confirmed and on what device, 5. Attempted and on what device.
Reports are shared as required depending on the situation. Typically, shared with leadership from the FC upwards to the DCO.
Program Management
National Staff: Incident Management & Preparedness Directorate - DVC-QI and BC-QIT. We have two approved positions for data management. These were staffed in the past and reduced, but did not eliminate data errors. Contact Information for Support and Inquires to DVC-QI: [email protected]
The BC-QIT performs an initial overview and awareness training to users as well as ongoing support. Detailed training is provided in the online Everbridge University (EU). EU has an outstanding online training program (similar to AUXLMS) that includes collateral materials, case studies, templates, and video class room sessions. We do not provide a user manual. We had provided a manual in the past, but the rapid growth and evolution of the EB platform required constant updates that are beyond the time available to our staff. EB has invested heavily in Everbridge University (EU) and this provides robust, up to date user training, guidance, and collateral. An AUX specific user manual is redundant and time consuming. Each DCO has the flexibility to use EB, with BC-QIT support, as best supports the unique requirements of that District, and EU provides excellent training and guidance in these applications.