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About ECIP Connect

Are you a rock star Coastie with great ideas to help solve organizational challenges? Then you’ve clicked on the right site! ECIP Connect will help connect talented, motivated, and innovative people like you with some of the compelling problems our Service is trying to solve. Because our Service’s talent is spread out all over the globe, the Innovation Program wanted to offer a collaborative platform where people could ideate and innovate together, regardless of location, rank, or any other traditional barrier.
The Enterprise Common Ideation Platform (ECIP) serves as the foundation for “ECIP Connect” - a web-based, crowd-sourcing capability sponsored by the Coast Guard Innovation Program. ECIP Connect is currently being run as a prototype to explore the benefits of using a 21st Century ideation platform to help solve organizational challenges.
ECIP Connect is available to all Coast Guard members (active duty, civilian, reservists, and auxiliarists) and is a voluntary tool to help engage and share your collective wisdom with each other and the senior leaders who are relying on your innovative talents to help address the issues presented. It serves as a central platform to harness the power of the collective intelligence and ingenuity of the Coast Guard “crowd” in order to develop innovative solutions.
As a valued member of the Coast Guard, ECIP Connect provides the opportunity to be an active participant in the ideation process. It lets you participate from a variety of devices and locations while collaborating with fellow Coast Guard members all over the world.
Ideation platforms like ECIP Connect wield their magic by helping “Challenge Sponsors” develop solutions to targeted Coast Guard issues by allowing participants to: generate their own original ideas, or evaluate and refine other members’ contributions.
Whether you are a subject matter expert, curious observer, savvy solution generator, or end-user, ECIP Connect allows all viewpoints and perspectives to be explored and considered. This process helps ensure the most promising solutions are carried forward. Backed by the participation and support of the Coast Guard workforce, decision makers can more confidently bring these solutions to bear in order to tackle the Service’s most pressing needs. The real-time information you all help provide is a powerful and compelling resource to help shape the organization’s future.
ECIP Connect offers an exciting opportunity to engage and empower Coast Guard members with helping solve our organization’s challenges. We look forward to working with you and energizing your innovative talents in a whole new way.
For additional information about ECIP Connect, Click Here