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Dues Information

Annual Dues Collection Process

It is the responsibility of all Auxiliarists to meet their financial obligations (i.e., payment of dues) in accordance with regional and local provisions and timelines. Failure to do so shall result in disenrollment. The annual amount currently for District and National dues is $39.00.  Division and Flotilla dues are determined individually and added to the current District and National amount to determine the total amount due by each member. 

The Standing Rules, in the Finance Section, will show when the dues collection process can begin, usually August or September. The FSO-FN notifies all members that dues for the upcoming year are due. FSO-FNs can use whatever method they desire as long as they can account for all members receiving the word. However, if the first round of notifications is not successful in attaining the amount due, using various other methods of contact should be utilized and documented (i.e., direct mail, email, telephone calls, registered mail (if felt necessary).

The 9, 10, 11 & 12 Program is a simple process to follow as a guide for on-time completion of dues collection. It is:        

9 = September - During the first part of September (at the latest because some flotillas per their Standing Rules collect dues earlier), the FSO-FN notifies all members that dues for the following year are due to be paid in fourth quarter. 

10 = October - The flotilla begins collection all dues from membership

11 = November - On 1 November for all members who had not paid their dues, the Flotilla Commander will complete Section I of the ANSC 7035 (Change in Membership Status Form), sign, make a copy and mail the copy via USPS officially notifying the member they have a financial obligation to the Auxiliary.  It is also recommended flotilla commander call the member to be sure there are no misunderstandings. We don’t want them to think they are being threatened dis-enrollment.    

12 - December – On or before 1 December for all members who had not paid dues, the ANSC 7035 is processed and sent to the DSO-HR who in-turn endorses and sends on to DIRAUX for processing. 

The payment of dues and donations of money or property to the Auxiliary are tax deductible.

Retired members will no longer pay dues.


First year dues for new members shall be prorated as determined by District policy and shall be submitted with the enrollment application. Initial payment shall be by check which will be immediately cashed.


Dues for new member applications are as follows:

·         1st quarter (Jan-Mar), 75% of total $39 or $29.25.

·         2nd quarter (Apr-Jun), 50% of total $39 or $19.50.

·         3rd quarter (Jul-Sep), 25% of total $39 or $9.75.

·         4th quarter (Oct-Dec), 0% sent to District but full $39 should be collected and held to be paid with the rest of the flotilla at annual dues billing time at the first of the upcoming year.


New Application Dues Check Process.


A check for the appropriate amount, based on the proration chart, should accompany each enrollment application. The process should be:

·         The check should be written to the FLOTILLA – for the full proper amount for National, District, Division, and Flotilla and given to the FSO-FN for deposit into flotilla account.

·         The FSO-FN then will write a check to CGA 8Th Western Rivers for the amount due for the National and District to be attached to the enrolment application before sending to DSO-HR for review.

·         The FSO-FN should also issue a check the Division SO-FN. The flotilla will keep the remainder for their account.


Prospective Auxiliarists must be clearly advised during their enrollment process of PSI requirements and durations, as well as the privileges of enrollment that they will have in any membership status (i.e., AP, IQ, BQ, AX). Such advisory must include the risk they undertake in terms of personal investments as part of Auxiliary membership (e.g, the costs of membership dues, uniform items, and possible equipment purchases that will not be reimbursed if their PSI is ultimately determined to be UNFAV and they are not determined to be suitable for service in the Auxiliary)."