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Communications Officer


As a leader, you are responsible for providing your next higher counterpart in District
with a report summarizing the information requested in the following statements.

Please summarize your responses to the below questions in one or two sentences if possible. Except for question 5, use bullet points to summarize separate activities, events or issues.

Report Date

 What month is this report for? 

What were the most significant accomplishments in your area of responsibility in the past month.? (Provide a list of significant activities completed in your unit or program area during the reporting period. Note: The reporting period runs from the 21st day of the previous month to the 20th day of the reporting month.)


What are your plans for improving performance in your area of responsibility? (What are your plans for the next month, quarter, season or year? What opportunities do you see in the same time frames?)

Are you able to identify any trends that would cause you to exceed or fall short of your established goals? (Are your activities in line with the projected accomplishments in your established goals? If not, please explain why they have failed to meet or exceeded projections.)

Are there any significant issues, questions or problems in your area of responsibility?(List issues, questions or problems that should be elevated up the chain of leadership for resolution. Note: Submit confidential issues separately via the chain of leadership)

Identify your activities that supported recruiting and retention of members. (Provide a narrative of your efforts, not just numbers.)


-- Thank you for your time and all you do!

Questions? Feedback?

Contact the EasyReports team
if you need help, want to give feedback, or see errors in information on this report.