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DSO-PV, District 13

Welcome to the D13 Program Visitor Page.Anthony Kevin Merola, DSO-PV

The primary purpose of the RBS Visitation Program is to establish Program Partners in local areas and visit them on a regular basis.   The Program Visits inform Program Partners of the Coast Guard's Recreational Boating Safety program and the applicable federal, state, and local safety requirements.  While doing so the Program Visitor has the opportunity to clarify safety issues, promote safe boating education, and the Vessel Safety Check program.

Consider joining the District 13 RBS Program Visitation team!  

Below you will find the resources and information you'll need to become certified as a Program Visitor.

  1. You must have completed an Auxiliary safe boating class.
  2. Obtain the Vessel Safety Check Manual and the Program Visitor Manuals from your Flotilla Materials Officer or download them from the National Website. (Links for these manuals are listed in the “Resources” section available on the D-13 PV webpage.)
  3. First study the Vessel Safety Check Manual.  (See the “Resources” for how to get a password for e-testing.)  Next, after studying the RBS Safety Visitation Program Manual, complete the Program Visitor exam.  This should be an easy one because some of the questions are from the Vessel Safety Check manual, and you have already studied this material.  BE SURE TO PRINT OFF A COUPLE COPIES OF YOUR TEST RESULTS!
  4. Complete your 2 supervised Program Visits with a certified Program Visitor and insure that the ANSC Form 7046 “Activity Report RBS Visitation” is correctly filled out.
  5. Give your Flotilla Staff Officer for Program Visitation (FSO-PV) the following:
    • A copy of your on-line test results
    • A copy of your completed ANSC Form 7046
Your FSO-PV will have your FSO-IS enter your supervised visits into AUXDATA. Once these are entered into AUXDATA, the FSO-PV will send the “Request for Recreational Boating Safety Visitor Program Certification” form (certificate link here) to the DSO-PV for a signature and forwarding to DIRAUX.

Your certification as a RBSPV will then be entered into AUXDATA.  Within a month or so you will receive a letter confirming your certification.   Your formal Award Certificate will be presented to you at your next Flotilla Meeting.

PV Staff 




 Helpful PV Links

ResourceAbout This Resource
RBS VP Manual  Recreational Boating Safety Visitation Program Manual
Test Catalog  Auxiliary Testing Center Test Catalog - select MDV for RBS PV Exam

What's New in PV 


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