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 DSO-MS William Malone District 13

Watch this short video about the USCG mission of Marine Safety:

The Coast Guard Auxiliary Marine Safety program is designed to facilitate and encourage Auxiliary support for Coast Guard Sectors in the legacy Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs.

Our Auxiliary specific contributions:

          • America’s Waterways Watch
          • Sea Partners
          • Good Mate Course
          • Support and education to our members involved in RBS missions

Award Programs:

          • Auxiliary Operations Service Award with “M” Device
          • Marine Safety Training Ribbon
          • Auxiliary Marine Safety “Trident” Device
MS Staff 





 Helpful MS Links
ResourceAbout This Resource
Invasive Northern Pike Article on the highly invasive northern pike
Impact of Mods on Stability  Impacts of Modifications, Alterations, and Weight Creep on Stability
Parasailing Nav Rules Parasailing Navigation Rules and Flight Safety 
Mandatory Commercial Fishing Exams New Requirements for Commercial Fishing Vessels
America's Waterway Watch  America's Waterway Watch is a program encouraging participants to report suspicious activity
Marine Safety PQS Qualifications designed to encourage support of the Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Programs 
Auxiliary National Supply Center A  wide variety of Marine Safety pamphlets, posters and other educational materials
USCG Auxiliary Public Affairs  Contains resources that can be used to publicize Marine Safety activities and events 
FEMA Online Course Catalog Can be used to identify courses to expand your preparedness qualifications
Sea Partners Campaign  Coast Guard Sea Partners Campaign
Illegal Nav Lights Illegal Navigation Lights Notice
Orion Recall  Orion Recall Hand-Launched Aerial Signals
Marine Safety Programs  Marine Safety Trident Program 
Inflatable Safety Alert  Mustang Survival HIT Inflatable Safety Alert 
Safety Alerts  Safety Alerts Counterfeit Fire Extinguishers - Bow Riding 
Invasive Species Report  Invasive Species Report For Montana
DSO-MS Presentation  Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Presentation

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