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DSO-IS Kimberly JonesMy name is Kimberly Jones, and I am excited to be serving as DSO-IS for another year. For those of you who don’t know me, I have been a member of the Kenai flotilla since early 2011, although I was involved in the auxiliary for a few years before I officially joined. I have served as FSO-IS for my flotilla since 2015, and as DSO-IS since 2017. I have also served in my flotilla as Commander and Vice Commander, FSO-SR, and FSO-CS (where I designed and maintain our website). I’ve also been the Division 2 Secretary. I am certified as an Instructor, as well as Coastie Trained. I enjoy teaching boating safety classes and love working with the public in various Public Affairs events, especially when I can interact with children.

I also enjoy working as a member trainer, teaching members of the auxiliary how to enter their hours. I am excited with learning the new Auxdata II system and introducing it to my members. I have created training videos and completed in-person and virtual training sessions for the FC academy and District 17 Training Summits over the last several years. I welcome further opportunities to teach members either one-or-one or in group member training sessions.

When not volunteering with the Coast Guard, I enjoy cooking and experimenting with new recipes, watching TV and movies, and creating Excel spreadsheets.